When did you stop burping baby?


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
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When did you stop burping your baby? Ellie burps on her own most of the time now, if u dont burp her she usually just brings it up herself a couple of minutes later so we've more or less stopped winding her. Just wondered what everyone else did?
Around the time when she started sitting up more and then she would burp herself, I guess around 4 months. Can't really remember except that I am so glad I don't have to do that anymore. Used to have to do it for ages and ages.
I was only talking to OH about this last night, spooky lol

I was saying I just realised I dont burp Lily anymore. Because shes always sat up these days she brings up any she has and also has mastered the art of farting and laughing so any that doesnt come up shes quite happy to let it go down to come out :lol: :roll: :rotfl:
We stopped when she was able to bring the wind up on her own i think she was 3/4 months old :)
lil miss winds herself now... so arund 3 months we stopped...
Yeh cool, sounds like we can stop then... i've been meaning to ask this for ages :lol: thank god, I hate winding!!! :)
Around 4 months with both of mine, they started belching themselves!
a while ago now, Cally just didn't seem to need it. If she does she lets me know but its pretty rare
I don't really wind any more. If he has a little trouble parting with it by himself, I give him a little hand by winding for a couple of minutes. I think we stopped at 5 months. x
i still do now sometimes! ('twas me who voted over 7 months!) :lol:

usually its after her morning bottle, which is the only proper bottle of milk she drinks now, and she has it first thing in the morning, i bring her to bed with us and give it her and let her feed herself it while i doze beside her :lol: so drinking 280ml or whatever it is, almost flat on her back always catches burps in her tummy! lol. but the rest of the time i dont need to!
happy_chick said:
Yeh cool, sounds like we can stop then... i've been meaning to ask this for ages :lol: thank god, I hate winding!!! :)

Me too but i have a while yet
I voted 4 months but i still kinda burp him now, i just dont frantically rub his back after every oz like i had to when he was suffering from colic! The colic dissapeared literally in the week he turned 4 months so now he drinks the whole bottle in one go (bliss :pray: ) and i always sit him on my lap to make sure he burps after. Uusally on his own but if not i let him stand on my lap and lean against my shoulder. He always does huuuuge man burps that way for some reason :think: :rotfl:

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