newborn - wind and hunger


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2009
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My baby boy is 2 weeks old. I'm getting very confused about wind and hunger. I'm breastfeeding and he seems to be very hungry. I normally feed for 1 hour (30 mins on each breast) and sometimes longer at night. He always goes to sleep after feeding and I put him on my chest and rub his back to try to burp him but most of the time nothing comes up. If he is sleeping and content I don't go crazy with the burping as to me he seems ok if sleeping. He has gained weight and does plenty of wet and dirty nappies (pretty much after every feed).

In my opinion, he only cries when I'm changing him\dressing him and when hungry or dirty. My MIL is convinced that he has colic and I'm getting very confused. For example, sometimes I put him down and he wakes a little while later upset. She says he has wind and tries to burp him but I worry because he hasn't had enough food. If I offer him the breast again he always takes it and happily feeds until he falls asleep.

Can I overfed my breastfed baby? Would he feed well if had wind\colic?

Last night he did let out some almighty farts, does this mean he does have wind or is it normal? He slept 10 till 1am, 2am till 5am and 6am till 9am.

Please help! I feel like a bad mother as everyone is obsessed with wind and I don't religiously burp him or get to frantic about it. Should I be rubbing his back always until he burps? Could he be feeding more because he has wind?

Sorry for the long post... I just feel like I'm doing something wrong.
i have heard breast fed babies dont need winding nearly as much as bottle fed ones so what you are doing is fine x
sounds like you're doing fine to me, as hope said, breast fed babies tend not to take in as much air as bottle fed babies so often don't actually have any wind to bring up!
Breastfed babies don't get that much wind, and they digest the food quicker, so get hungrier sooner that bottle fed babies. I think as long as you try and wind him it's fine, he might not have any to bring up. Sounds like you are doing everything well. If he had colic, I think he would cry a lot more xxx
I agree with all the other comments. I think if he had colic you would know about it and he would be screaming all the time. Sounds like you are doing great!!
toby cries when he wakes, although I think he may get a bit colicy at night.

Apparently you can not overfeed a breastfed baby, the HV thought that Toby was more using me as a human dummmy so he is now limited to half hour feeds with a gap of 90mins at least between, which at least allows me to get bits done (she says as he has now taken residence in myarms for a cuddle!!)
colbi gets really bad wind and midwife was shocked as hes breastfed so shouldnt be windy, she thought he wasnt latching properly but then said hes latching perfectly.

i dont think your doing anything wrong, my daughter i never ever winded and she was breastfed :) x

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