Winding a 5mth old baby?


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2007
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I just wondered when you stopped winding your LO's? When I wind Antonio, sometimes he does a huge burp and sometimes nothing at all. A few people have told me to stop winding however im reluctant to do so. I feel that it takes no/little time to pop my LO up onto my shoulder and rub his back to see if anything comes out, and I guess that if he still does the ocassional big burp then he still needs winding.

How long did you carry on for?

T xx
i still wind , tbh he doesnt get through his whole bottle without needing it , i dont have to pat just sit him up , if i dont , he does a huge burp usually followed closed by his whole bottle projectile style lol
Hi G3M

:puke: I can do without that! By the way, I made a sweet potato and carrot puree yesturday after writing my other post. Antonio gave me a horrified look and spat it all out, I went to give him another spoon and he knocked it right out my hand onto the carpet :wall:

T xx
Since ky had such bad colic and although its completely gone now i always make sure hes in an upright position after a bottle. he always does a whooping burp so he must stil need to bring it up. At night i try to get a burp up if he wakes in the night i dont feel comfortable putting him down without bringing it up. although the other night he fell straight asleep so i just put him to bed. so about as clueless as you! ha! i think i just try to if hes awake and if hes asleep i wont wake him.
I don't wind harrison now as he just does it himself when you sit him up - he does big man burps too
Babylicious said:
I don't wind harrison now as he just does it himself when you sit him up - he does big man burps too

This is what Oliver does too - A big 'Homer style' belch as you sit him up :rotfl:
I still wind Luke but a lot of the time now he will actually bring the wind up himself. I don't wind him at all during the night though. It wakes him up too much.
We still wind, but I think it's more of a habit really. We don't get worried if nothing comes out because she can do it herself..Ella does big man burps too, you'd think she takes after her Dad but they actually sound like Mummy burps!! :oops:
DebbieM said:
I still wind Luke but a lot of the time now he will actually bring the wind up himself. I don't wind him at all during the night though. It wakes him up too much.
im the same. i wind during the day but not when he has is first bottle of the morning as he usually goes to sleep again after which means more sleep for me!!!! so i creep out the room back to bed till 10am :D

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