when did you start to get stretch marks? :o/


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2008
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Hi girls :)

Just wondering when your first stretchies appeared? :| I have some old stretchies from my teenage years on my hips that have just turned a bit pink at the tops, indicating they're going to stretch further :cry: As yet I don't have any on my actually abdomen, which I am pleased about!

I guess I'm wondering how yours started? Did they just continue on from old marks like mine or did brand new ones appear? I'm particularly interested about ones on your belly as they're the ones I'm most scared of for some reason :rotfl:

Thanks in advance for answering my weird questions!!! :wink:

Claire x
With Nathan I started getting them on the bottom of my belly at 24 weeks :( They could have been there a few days before I noticed them though because they started right at the bottom of my bump then as my pregnancy progressed they started to cover my whole belly :cry:

This time I started getting new ones right at the top of my bump around 28/30 weeks :( Got them all over my hips this time aswell :|

Hopefully you will be lucky though and not get any or only have a few small ones :pray:
I escaped them until 35-36 weeks and then there was no stopping them :( . Started with one and overnight they seemed to multiply!

Ah well, I'm proud of my map of the London underground 'cause look what I have to show for it! :lol: They are all low down though.
I managed to excape getting any stretch marks, from the moment I found out I was pregnant every day after a shower/bath I would rub body lotion all over my belly, thighs, back and breasts. One of my friends reccommended rubbing olive oil everywhere but I didn't like the thought of smelling like olives so I managed to find a nice smelling lotion with olives in it.

I don't know if it was this that stopped that marks or if I'm just lucky! Worth a try though.

P.S. I've got stretch marks above my bum from when I was growing up, so I'm obviously not immune to them :lol:
I was the same. I didn't get any til the end of my 8th month. My 1st appeared on my hip and i was gutted. Then all of a sudden i got a mass of them on the bottom of my belly! And i got a couple around my belly button coz i left my piercing in. I was really gutted at the time, then gave birth, i really don't care now!
I think mine started to appear around 35ish weeks. they are fading but i have them on my thighs, boobs, crotch, bum, hips and tummy! lol! :roll:

most of them have faded well but my hips and tummy ones are the worse! the ones on my hips are red still but the ones on my belly go past my belly button but theyre silvery :puke: not very attractive!!
My belly 1's have gone weird browny purple. But it's only been 8 weeks since i had her. My boobs are covered, but i got those in the very 1st few weeks of pregnancy as my bra size doubled in around 8 weeks! And they've grown again since giving birth coz i'm BF. I relate them to eyeballs! Lol
i got them when i was 39 weeks preg :shock: was gutted thought id escaped them lol
I've none on my belly yet (touch wood) but have 3 appeared on the inside of each thigh :shock: Hope they don't continue to expand too much!
Mine were exactly the same as yours, I had light pink ones on my hips that got a lot worse, and are now massive and bright red, but my stomach stayed clear until after he was born. They're just at the bottom of my stomach and aren't as red as my hip ones, they're starting to fade a bit now. I mistakenly thought I'd got away lightly then developed them all as my stomach shrunk back!
Erm I didn't get any red ones. Guess I am in that bit of the gene pool that is not predisposed to them. Got some silvery ones but they hardly notice anyways.
i didnt get any on my bump, hurrah! the only place i got them was on my boobs, which grew from B cups to E cups and i got them at around 38 weeks. they were red at first, then they went silvery, now theyve all but disappeared, they are no different colour but they just look like little fine wrinkles, this is because iv lost tons of weight and am now AA cups. can hardly tell, but my boobs are no longer perfect, alas :(

I had a lovely smooth bump, it's those little ones that creep up through your pubes you need to watch for!
I had some already on my boobs, bun and thighs from when i put on extra weight. So i was expecting some from my expanding belly.

Didnt have any more appear throughout my pregnancy, but i got some afterwards :x
Only some faint silvery ones just below the belly button.
I didn't get stretch marks at all (and I was HUGE!)... but I think I was just lucky. I went to full term at 40+1.
I didn't get any either :D i went 40+10. I bathed and put pure coconut oil on all of my body say 3/4 times a wk. Both my sister and mum got them so i think i was really lucky. xx
a couple of weeks ago, i have five on my right hip and two starting on my left! :(
37 weeks. think i did pretty well though considering he was over 10lb! I rubbed in cream religiously twice a day which i think saved me. I have some on my belly below my belly button line but they are fairly shallow and not too bad thank god. :pray:

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