When did you go into labour?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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just a genral question on when did you go into labour. (how many weeks where you) and where you induced? - where you 'expecting it' ? (as in warning signs the days leading up to it etc?

With Willow my waters broke at 36 weeks and i had a stitch on my side the day it broke although i was induced 2 days later as i didn't go into labour never had anything else no braxton hicks or back pain ir anything

With Conal my waters brke again at 28 weeks again i had a stitch but didn't think anything of it as too early and also so with him i had really bad discharge for about a week my waters broke with him on the Monday and i went into labour i think Thursday night because i strated having like period pains but because i was induced with the 1st i didn't think i would go into labour just thugh they were growing pains. I also had a few braxton hicks with im about a week before although nothing really sore.

I only knew i was definatly in labour with him when i felt his head coming out so no definatly not expecting it with either of them :lol:

I was induced at 39 weeks because I was bleeding heavily and they couldn't explain it. They wanted the baby out just in case, and they wanted her out quickly so they made labour come on thick and fast. It turned out everything was fine and they never found out why I was bleeding.
My waters broke when I was 35 weeks then later that night after they had broke I went into labour naturally.

It was totally unexpected, I was just sitting down and my waters broke. Had no warning signs before it.
I have put 42 weeks as I was induced at 12 days overdue and had Jake on the 13th day overdue.
i put 42 weeks as i was induced 11 days overdue and had alfie on the 12th day
i was induced at 37 weeks. but if i was left to go naturaly i doubt i would have gone overdue as when they checked me at 37 i was 1cm dilated anyway.
with bradley i went in 3 times and he was born on the 3rd time..

1st time was 23 weeks..

2nd time was 30 weeks

3rd time was 32 weeks.. born via emergency section :cry:
41 with my first and 40 with my second, got a feeling this one will be over again :roll:
With my first my hind waters were leaking and i went into labour and she was born at exactly 39 weeks. My 2nd was induced at 40+11 with no real signs before. My 3rd was born at 40+5, I had a sweep at 40+3, my waters broke the next day and i went into labour the day later.
I was induced at 42 weeks - but they couldn't break my waters until 42 weeks + 3 days, because I just wasn't dilated at all.

So established labour started at 42 weeks + 3 days.
CG my DD was due Christmas day 96 then induced me on 8th Jan at 6am!!! and i eventually had her at 11.55am on the 10th of Jan 97
She's still as stuborn now :roll:
i was induced at 42 weeks
altough i had all the 'signs of labour' from about 38 weeks, but nothing became of them :roll:
I was 42 weeks - the day before I was to be induced. I'd had a sweep, but just to check how my cervix was and it had set it off.

I wasn't happy about being induced - but apparently baby wasn't moving much so they were going to do it. Thankfully she decided to make her entrance unassisted!
My waters went unexpectedly at 34 weeks and he was born 7 hours later! I think he was in a rush! :rotfl:
My waters broke on my due date but I had no other signs of labour starting so they induced me at 40+2 :)
With Brooke i was started off at 37 weeks as she had stopped growing!

With Olivia i went into labour at 39+3
I was 3 days overdue - i had no signs of labour until it started........i was convinced i would still hv been waiting a week later :roll:

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