When did you get a smile?

xx emma xx

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2010
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Just curious really to see how old your LO's were when you first saw them smile.
I could have sworn I got a little smile last night cos it was so different to the windy smiles and it was when I was holding him up to my face and talking in that baby voice we all do haha. Is it too early? It was probably wind lol xx
Alex was 3 weeks.. it is different to a windy one :D
Oscar had little smiles from pretty early but he proper smiled at 6 weeks old xxx
I know wot u mean about it looking diff, from 3 weeks I wasn't sure kept thinking it was a smile but by 4 weeks it was def a smile on Xmas eve! Lovely xx
i think marley was quite late after reading these replies! about 8 weeks i think, we did have smiles before then but im sure they were just wind! lol. now he never stops laughing or smiling! its so cute!
Now and again from 4 weeks, consistently from 6 weeks x
The first time Sophia smiled at me as opposed to smiling in front of me was on April Fools Day, lol! 6 weeks old.
I think lo was about 8-9 weeks old but he was born early xxxx
I got more this morning, again when I was talking to him up close to his face. He's starting making gargling noises now as well. It's so exciting seeing the little changes in him :) xx
Campbell smiled for the first time on Christmas Day so he would have been 3 weeks and 5 days! xx

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