

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
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When do LO's start to smile? I have been thinking Ivy has smiled from about the 1st week but its probably just wind but she now does a smile and then a little laugh type thing its so cute but Im still not sure if shes just got wind. My mum was convinced it was smiles when we seen them last week shes had 5 kids and she was really sure it wasn't wind?
Angel's first smile was the day she turned 3 weeks. The full on smiles were at 4 weeks (the pic in my ticker was 4 weeks) but that was coz she would really only do it for her dad, and tense up on camera! Lol

She probably is smiling now. You can see their eyes light up more.
Evie's first proper smile was tonight!! She did kind of half hearted ones I'm sure, but tonight was the first proper smile! I know what you mean about the little giggle thing, it's like a really pleasant noise they make, a happy noise! :cheer:

First smile at 5 weeks but only occasionally. A few days ago we stated getting lots of big proper smiles every time we talk to her. :D .
abigail started smilin at 4 weeks properly. she probably is smiling hun :D clever little girl xx
Jessie started smiling at about 3 weeks, I'd thought she was for a few days but when she was about 3 weeks I noticed that everytime I said 'Are you a monkey moo?' She had a huge grin and her eyes lit up.
We are getting random little smiles from Oscar but I think it is him exercising his facial muscles at the moment. I do like it when he alternately smiles and scowls in his sleep - it is so funny :D

We haven't had a proper smile in the sense that he is smiling at us or at things we do yet. In fact he still seems to regard us with a 'who the hell are you' face so I wonder if he has a memory like a goldfish at the moment :think:
Ophelia's had wind smiles from week 1 but she did her proper 1st eyes smiles yesterday :D Melted my heart, definitely different from the previous smiles, gorgeous!!!

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