When did you feel baby move for the first time? updated : )


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Jul 14, 2008
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I just wonder when everyone else felt baby move? Because with my first I know I couldn't be sure that I could feel baby move until 19 weeks, but I swear I have felt this one and I'm only 13 weeks!! I was listening in with my doppler the other day and I heart the heartbeat faintly so I pressed a bit harder and it kicked twice in a few minutes, then I felt it again yesterday it was right down low could it be kicking this early?!? Because I swear that's what it feels like! and it actually caused my doppler to move like a hiccup? hard to explain but like jumped up a very little bit :think:

what do you think ladies?
With my first I felt movement from about 17 weeks. This time round I was expecting to feel it earlier but didn't feel it until 18 weeks. I just found out at my scan I've got an anterior placenta though, which can delay feeling movements apparently.

It could well be baby, I'm sure it's not unheard of to feel it that early with second pregnancies.
I felt baby move for the first time at 16 weeks. I thought I was imagining it as it's my first pregnancy and maybe too early, but at the scan, they said the placenta's towards the back of the womb, so I would feel movement earlier.
I felt the first movements at around 15 weeks, just like a popping in my lower abdomen

Then nothing much until last week, now i'm sure bubba is doing somersaults in there
Its a nice feeling but strange to think its something moving around inside me (still cant really believe it as this is my first)
I think I was around 18/19 weeks when I was fairly sure I was feeling baby. I think a couple of weeks before that I first stared feeling pops.
I was 13 weeks this time!!
I felt popping even earlier but definiate movement from 13 weeks! :cheer:
I felt moving just before 16 weeks. Had an appointment with mw later that week and she asked if I'd felt anything - not feeling sure whether I was imagining it but explained to mw what it felt like and she said it was definitely baby. :)

Only had a really strong kick once though (and it was so hard it actually made me move my hand away from my tummy in shock!). The rest of the time baby just seems to shuffle around trying to get comfortable which makes me feel like a washing machine!! :lol:
i was 14 weeks this time when i started feeling flutters and was 17 weeks when i had proper kick (only get a couple a day though, still mainly flutters)
I was 15 weeks..although I at first thought I was brewing a massive fart! :shock:
Im not sure I have yet, although I do feel fluttery movements from time to time, often when Im standing still (at the supermarket checkout waiting to pay etc).

This being my first I have no idea if its baby, wind, or just my imagination....????

I keep thinking it cant be baby, as all the text books say you dont feel the movement until much later if its your first pregnancy :wall:
Ellie, it sounds like it could well be. :D I felt movements just before I was 16 weeks and this is my first too. I was unsure but the midwiife said it was baby when I described them (she also asked me where I thought baby was when she went to listen to the heartbeat and found it straight away so I'm hoping it wasn't wind and a big coincidence! :rotfl: )
Thanks Julie.........oh just as I starting writing I got a big flutter.

Either I have the worst wind ever, or its baby! :D
EllieBelle said:
Either I have the worst wind ever, or its baby! :D

You'll know if it's wind as it tends to work its way out at some point! :rotfl:

I find with baby, I'll feel fluttering and get excited and try to make it move and nothing. :wall: Must go to sleep or something despite me poking it or drinking a cold fizzy drink. However, if I do that and its wind brewing - well, I soon know it was wind! :oops: :oops: :rotfl:
lea m said:
I was 13 weeks this time!!
I felt popping even earlier but definiate movement from 13 weeks! :cheer:

Oh good so I'm not crazy then! I knew you felt it earlier in a second pregnancy but I didn't know if it could be this early! cool! :cheer:
About 16.5 - 17 weeks - I too have a posterior placenta which makes it easier to feel the baby xx
i didnt feel summer move until about 20wks
Alicebabe said:
About 16.5 - 17 weeks - I too have a posterior placenta which makes it easier to feel the baby xx

Does anterior mean its harder to feel? Thats what mine is. Although bubs is pretty active anyway at times :lol:
How do you find out the position of your placenta? I havent been told anything about it although I think it may have been pointed out to my OH on our scan
They tell you on your scan reports. At both my 12 week and 20 week, it said the position of the placenta and my midwife told me that posterior means its nearer to your back so baby is kicking directly into your front. If your placenta is anterior, it will be nearer your tummy wall so your baby's kicks may be absorbed or 'muffled' by the placenta - hope that makes sense?!

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