When did you feel baby from outside?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2005
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Hi all :wave:

I can feel LO moving around all the time from the inside but if I put my hand on my tummy while she's moving I cant feel anything on outside.
When is it usually felt on outside?

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Hiya snuggle,

I managed to feel the first kicks from the inside and the outside at 18w and 2d.

It's only in the last week I can feel ths movement from the outside without pressing on my tummy. I just lay my hand on it and can feel the kicks.

Do you know where your placenta is?

I can feel like a poke, but DH has only felt it once or twice after a lot of patience. I guess it's easier for the mums to feel the movement from the outside as you also feel the sensation from the inside too, so you know when it has happened.
Hi KJ :wave:

That must be great to feel. I dont know where the placenta is unfortunately. Maybe I cant feel anything on outside yet because of my weight? You're very slim arent you? I know where the placenta lies can be a factor but I think weight may be too :?

Jools xx
Its a poking sensation that I feel too Oopsy but only from inside at mo, think my tubby tummy may be stopping me feel her from outside :oops:

I'm sure I'll feel her more as she gets bigger :cheer:
I could feel baby kick from the outside at about 18 weeks. I could feel her move earlier then that at about 16 weeks. I am slim (well was lol) so that's why I think I could feel her so early.
I've felt Bambi from outside for just over a week now. I try to do it all the time but mostly if I put my hand on the kicking stops and I try to talk him/her round to kicking again! I was slim pre-pregnancy too and have been feeling movements from about 17 wks x
Hi Snuggle,

I am quite small so that might be it I guess. But you're not big going by your photos hun!

Try pressing with about 3 or 4 fingers quite flatly into your tummy where you feel the poking. Sort of like you have to put your hand to check your breasts for lumps, if that makes sense! Leave them there for a few minutes or so (obviously, don't press too hard though!) That's how I could feel mine earlier on.

I'm so jealous....Can't even feel baba move from inside yet :( sounds amazing! :D x
Thanks everyone :hug:

KJ, thank you for advice, will give that a go :hug:

Maybe I have to just stop being so impatient! :roll: :wink:

Jools xx
I cant feel mine from the outside yet but my placenta is lying across the front of my tummy. Sometimes the kickes on the inside feel quite hard.... theyre just not comming thru! :wall:
Snuggle, i'm large but find if LO moves to the side i can feel elbows/feet/diggy pokey bits lol
Like the girls say keep your fingers flatish and with medium pressure and i'm sure you'll feel bubba, :hug:
I still can't feel anything from the outside one of the reasons is because the placenta is lying between bubs and my tummy so mw said it will take longer. But I think also is because whenever I feel bubs move I tell DH to put his hand there and bubs promptly stops moving.
i cant remember when i felt mine moving from outside it just happened as i was was watching tv. must of been at a guess 21 or 22weeks something like that same with kicking. it didnt come to me to note it down..... :wall:
I am just over 19 weeks and I can feel slight movements on the outside but they are so faint, I have tried to get O/H to feel them but he cant tell the difference between them and my pulse. I only know what they are because they feel so strong on the inside.
Nothing yet for me, but my placenta is lying across the front.
i first felt LO kick at 21+6 weeks :shock: the day after my OH put his hand on my tummy and could feel it too. and only a few days later when she kicked i looked down and could see my tummy moving!

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