When did you notice your first baby kick?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
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This isn't my first baby so I started feeling flutters with baby bump ages ago but I've not had any "proper" kicks yet and I don't feel him moving very often. Is this normal? When did you first feel a kick?

Ooooo but a nice thing I have noticed is that me and hubby can feel which side of my tummy baby bump is lying on just by feeling from the outside :)
i found out that what i was feeling was baby kicks around the 18/19 week mark
cant really feel the hard kicks now and have been able to from about 20/21 weeks
manda xx
Hey Hon,

No proper kicks here yet either. They have sort of progressed from butterfly flutters to little taps. Hope to feel a kick ina week or two.

B xx
Thanks for the replies girls, you've put my mind at rest a little :)

I know I'll be complaining towards the end when he starts kicking me in the ribs (very painful!) but now I just want to feel something more definate so I know he's ok. I do listen to his hb on the doppler every couple of days so I know he's ok really I would just find it more reassuring to feel something more :)
Becs - my baby taps too, but only if I drink pepsi... must be the e-numbers :D
17 weeks for baby #1

17 weeks for baby #2

16 weeks for baby #3

after 20 weeks, I fet proper kicks, and now I dont get more than 1 hours peace! Its a very active baby, compared to my other 2!!
Im certain I felt my first proper kicks last night as I was having a lay down on the sofa before I made tea.

Before that I have felt flutters and butterflies and slowly progressing to stronger movements.
I felt a flutter when i was 18 weeks, since then i am not sure if i have felt anything else. I feel like a sharp twinge every now and then and wonder if that could be it but i dont no.

This is my first pregnancy and im not even showing that much either. Im almost half way there and no one can tell i am pregnant....
Didn't get proper boots until about 23/24 weeks but i have an anterior placenta that cushions it from outside, so still only occasionally feel them from outside!
About 22 weeks for DD, 17 weeks for Eefie and I think today (15+4) for Boygi :D
Mine was 18 weeks and one day - I only know that cos it was the morning after our wedding and lying in bed I suddenly felt a proper kick. Now the little thing won't stay still! I felt flutters before that though, but not kicks, just like little bubbles.
20 weeks for me - nearly 21 weeks when I felt a proper kick

I had been feeling baby move about for ages but no kicks till then
i felt movement from about 18 weeks but didnt feel a proper kick as such until about 24/.25 wks. OH couldn't feel anything until about 31wks cos the lil madam would stop moving as soon as he put his hand on my belly...

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