When did you buy your pram...after 12w scan or 20w scan?

I only got my pram last week and i'm now 30 weeks lol It's also the ONLY thing we have at the moment... ummm...
I knew I wanted a red one so wasn't worried about finding out the sex first as thought it'd work for either! My nan wanted to buy it for us and was nudging me to choose, so in the end I found an amazing deal on amazon for the obaby zezu + car seat and bought it at around 15 weeks!!
We're not into the superstition and thought that if anything, it was a lovely positive thing to buy it early and i'm glad as it's another thing off the list and gets me excited to look at!!! :D
We ordered ours from mothercare at about 16 weeks, as it was on offer and didn't wanna miss out! Otherwise, we would have waited until after the 20 week scan.. But ours isn't being delivered for a while yet xx
I ordered mine at 28 weeks and it s arrived already
Right I've decided I am going to order mine after V day :lol:

Had I'd had my own way after 12 week scan I would have got everything, I still worry about mc and things going wrong but also I like to be super organised....oh held back but now we have most things after last weeks shopping spree we did together and need to get the pram.

If you have your boots baby vouchers check their website as they have 20% off if you use their voucher! Mine expires end of July so will get it then :)
I ordered my one the day I found out Iwas having a little girl! I needed to wait as the one I had my heart set on wasn't going to be any use to a little boy!!! So I was 21 weeks. xx
Well ladies babies r us sale is offering the quinny buzz reduced to £299 and mothercare has the pebble carseat reduced plus their 20% off at the moment so we've decided to go for it :D Scary!!! It is a bit earlier than I probably would have ordered it all but we can store it and thought the offer was good. All starting to feel a bit more real now lol x
We bought ours at 17wks, its not being delivered until the end of August though.
My mum ordered our pram already as some shops can take the piss, and plus i want to be super orginised lol, Im not keeping it in mine just yet but turns out I dont want the silver cross 3d I want something else so I am going out pram looking today and probably order it :)

I have loads to do with my house though so this is why Im getting mine so early, I have to decorate and fix up things so its alot to be doing before I get to big to do it lol xxx

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