What's the first thing did you/will you buy?!

I had to restrain myself at the next sale this morning lol x
Lol. Hopefully I can shop til I drop at the next one :)

We've still got most of the things from my other two children, so don't need to buy anything in the way of clothes etc., but on Saturday we bought a new Moses basket as our old one is completely knackered. So excited now - had to really fight off the temptation to take it out of its box and assemble it there and then!
we have bought our travel system and moses basket we have to spread it out month by month due to a low income plus we are not superstitious.
we bought moses basket before 12 week scan and people were like oh you shouldn do that. Baby is fine. Lol
I'm finally going baby shopping on Saturday :dance: gonna buy him some clothes, can't wait :D
i posted a link on here to a pack asda were giving away and OH put his foot down about me getting it so i missed out :(

strange i posted this today as i got home from work and this had arrived through the post from my step sister...

View attachment 7365

as you can probably tell my step sister is a bit of a rock chick! xx

Aw that is cool...

1st purchase was a childrens book i read at bedtime then a doppler, rocking crib and moses basket, then we have bought baby grows, bibs, bottles sterilisers and breast pump... and some other bits and bobs.

Still got loads to buy tho

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