when did u hear your baby's heartbeat for the first time?

I heard it it at 10 weeks at a private scan but the midwife first listened at 16 weeks x
i was really surprised when she said 25weeks, but apparently its the same throughout the midlands. Grrr x
I get to hear HB again tomorrow - so excited!!!

(sorry I know I already posted on here!!)

Lol nat! Do you have a scan tomorrow eeek!

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I have my 16 weeks MW appointment today, I really hope they listen for it today :) x
hey it depends on your midwife, it is literally their decision. Mine does the first doppler at your 16w appointment, but my friend who is in the same area as me sees a different mw who doesn’t do it till your 24w/25w appointment.
Apparently it is because it has led ladies to panic if it is not heard at 16w (which it isnt always at this stage) and they have been stressed unnecessarily up to their 20w scan x
I can understand that, Id probably panic if they heard nothing and then spend the next three weeks fretting x
8 weeks at private scan, then 10 weeks at home on Angelsounds doppler. My doctor checked it at 18 weeks when I went in with a worry, but midwife didn't check it til 22 weeks xx
First heard baby's hb at home with my angel sounds doppler on valentines day at 14wks :) x

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My mw first listened at 16 weeks, I have a doppler and could hear from about 10 to 11 weeks at home. Maybe ask next time if you can have a listen x x

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