When did it sink in for everyone?


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2005
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Hi Ladies

I was just wondering when it sank in for you all that you were having a LO? :D Whohoo that sounds good!!

Yesterday there was a time in the day that I thought woah I'm having another baby and it felt really good :D

With my son, I had been ttc for 14 months so when I got my BFP it was like whohoooooooo and immediately felt real probably due to the length of time I had been praying for my BFP.

This time I have fallen in the first month of trying which was truly fantastic but it didn't seem real straight away. I don't know if this was because I have my LO who takes up every minute of my day.

Yesterday when it sank in, I got all excited about seeing my bean on the first scvan, having my bump back and feeling the little movements inside again. I am so excited.

I'll tell you when it does!! :wink:

I had a scan at 7weeks and it was so strange to see my LO up on the screen, but as it was still so early it didn't quite hit! Somedays I feel it more than others, but I think when I have my scan after newyear it will really hit home as I'll be almost 14wks!

How exciting!!
i think sometimes it hasn't. i am not really a maternal sort of person, so while i am excited to be preggers i am also quite scared about silly things (like not being able to read a book for years once it arrives).

I think when i get a ticker and see the cout down of how many days to go it will then.

It sort of sank in around 6 weeks and I started to get excited about having another baby and feeling all the movements and having scans ect.

It really sank in though when I heard baby's heartbeat at 8 weeks and it sank in even more when I seen baby on scan :D
It hasn't sank in yet for me, even though i find myself thinking about my LO and getting excited at baby clothes and prams and things, i still won't let myself get to attached incase something bad happens again, after my 12 scan i will be totally excited.
mine still aint sunk in yet, even tho ive hadmy scan, heard hb and felt movement i still cant beleive im having another baby
me either , im not having a baby , im just gonna be fat and pregnant for 9 months :rotfl:
G3M said:
me either , im not having a baby , im just gonna be fat and pregnant for 9 months :rotfl:

I think I've just got wind, lol!

No seriously, after the 12 week scan I think :)
Doesn't feel real again yet! I didn't feel like I was having a baby with my son until I was in hospital having him and I thought sh*t :lol:
Hasn't sunk in for me yet at all, I still haven't got any symptoms and I don't think I'll believe it until I get some symptoms or maybe until I get a scan
:shock: We tried for almost a year for this one, and only for two months before we fell with our daughter. It still hasn't hit me, despite the fact that I'm feeling sickish and have sore breasts etc. And this is my second!

My God! My second! I'm feeling really old and mumsy now!
I dont think it has sunk in properly yet. It feels more real now that everyone knows (told them christmas day). I think it will sink in when I have my scan (8th Jan).

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