When did baby start to kick


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
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I'm sure I remember feeling proper movements from my boys a lot early than this.
i know i was definitly feeling proper movements by the time i had my 20 week scan.
at the moment i think i feel a very very slight kick, but only about once and not every day. so it could just be wind.

i know baby is alright and moving a lot, i had a scan on wednesday.

maybe she's just lazy...?
I was feeling baby this time round at about 14/15wks, but with Isaac it was more 19wks. However, this time around the 'kicks' were very different and almost un=noticeable, but at the 20wk scan the sonographer told me I have a front lying placenta so that is shielding a lot of the blows, so why I'm not feeling 'as much' compared to if the placenta was elsewhere, could be that? This one's very wriggly so I can't comment on a lazy baby :)

Very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:
With my first I felt movement about 17 weeks but this time I only started to feel movements from 19 weeks
I got the fluttering feelings about week 18/19. By week 22 she was definately giving my bladder a good old kicking!! :lol:
Hiya star

i felt both my boys from 14 weeks, and this time i have a few little nudges i think nothing really obvious

on the scan he was all over the place couldn't keep still and i couldn't feel anything reall weird.

bobs xxxx
Hiya star

i felt both my boys from 14 weeks, and this time i have a few little nudges i think nothing really obvious

on the scan he was all over the place couldn't keep still and i couldn't feel anything reall weird.

bobs xxxx
With this one it was 16 wks and everyday from 18wks
It took me ages to be convinced that I was having real baby movements. I think it must have been around 19 weeks that I actually saw some movement and realised that it wasn't just wind :oops: . Now I guess I must have felt movement very faintly from about 16-17 weeks. Now it seems that she doesn't kick so often but when she does, it's so strong that it makes me jump.
I am still only really feeling random movements not all the time, my placenta is anterior which i think means is on the front wall so that would explain why i dont feel things as much i think, at the private scan she was trying to escape and making some quite visible movements on the screen and i couldnt feel a thing!
ive felt movement (flutters) from 17 weeks but not felt any kicking. But i don't really know what to expect because i don't know what it feels like!
I never felt flutters or bubbles in my belly just kicks at 21w + 4. In fact OH was able to feel it too so I figure I must have been ignoring him up until then :oops: :D
I felt baby from about 18wks or so but it has increased alot since then before it was only every so often...

maybe it depends on where baby and ur uterus r?

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