What's your thoughts on this elective c-section that's on the news?


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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Just wondered what other women think really? I'm thinking the money to do unnecessary sections could be better spent on other antenatal and post natal care, but I'm lucky enough to have had 2 easy births and can't see why you would choose to have a major op. Seeing my sister go through an emergency section I just can't see why you would chose that pain and recovery. Just interested really what everyone else thinks?
Erm... in two minds really

I think there is no chance people are going to have midwives to council them, there really isnt the time in the day for those poor overworked women (and men)

I do think that traumatic experience of birth IS a valid reason to opt for a c-section - it would obviously have to be REALLY traumatic, but i suppose if you would honestly rather they cut a hole in you, its obvious you had been through a traumatic birth. Thing is thats not on their 'checklist' as to why a c-section is allowed, so thats a good change.

What worries me is that i think education about it is very important and I dont think we have the staff or the resources to get that through to people. We still see very 'heavy' births in the media and there is still this cycle of women coming into pregnancy afraid of birth.

In an ideal world, everyone would make the correct, informed choice for them

This is a not-so-ideal world though and i worry people will not make a properly informed choice.
Have to say I don't think its a good idea....C sections are for people who's baby is in danger, or they are in danger....

Being a first time mum I obviously haven't been through labour (yet) but maybe I'm a bit old fashioned in thinking that women are kinda made to give birth, so unless there's a medical reason we should just leave our bodies to it.

I would imagine if you've had a traumatic labour previously, this is taken into account by the docs ..in the end thats what they train for.

Recovery time for Csections is obvioulsy a lot lomger as its surgery!!

Just my opinion anyway xx
I would imagine if you've had a traumatic labour previously, this is taken into account by the docs ..in the end thats what they train for.

I think this change is including traumatic previous labour now but it didnt before x
i think sections should be only for those in medical need or had a previous traumatic experience only!! not for those to posh to push who think their bits are gonna go funny for giving birth!!

i had emergency section with my first baby and it was the most traumatic experience of my life, it scared me so much it took me six years before i would get pregnant again and i was still scared i would follow the same route as the 1st baby but managed a VBAC had to have stitches and was really sore for a while but recovery and experience was far more positive than 1st time round, so again i have opted for VBAC with 3rd baby and i dont think section is necessary unless the decision is taken out my hands again during labour!!

i feel this should be the way forward for everyone else only have a section if there a medical need or emergency, and for a previous traumatic labour experience!!
I think it,s daft, the money could be used for more important thing's, and considering the NHS are making cut backs because they are low on funds, it,s ridiculous they would throw it away with pointless surgery. Women are made to give birth, and should do so unless there's there,s a risk. Not to mention a lot of hospitals don,t have enough beds as it is, and giving out c-sec,s is going to fill up those beds for longer. They're just going to make more of a problem for themselves. I also think a lot of women would choose a c-sec thinking it,s the easy way out when it,s really not.
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i think sections should be only for those in medical need or had a previous traumatic experience only!! not for those to posh to push who think their bits are gonna go funny for giving birth!!

i had emergency section with my first baby and it was the most traumatic experience of my life, it scared me so much it took me six years before i would get pregnant again and i was still scared i would follow the same route as the 1st baby but managed a VBAC had to have stitches and was really sore for a while but recovery and experience was far more positive than 1st time round, so again i have opted for VBAC with 3rd baby and i dont think section is necessary unless the decision is taken out my hands again during labour!!

i feel this should be the way forward for everyone else only have a section if there a medical need or emergency, and for a previous traumatic labour experience!!

i agree totally with this x
Im not so sure... I gave birth to 2 back to back babies which was really traumatic, jake got stuck and it was incredibly painful. I tore both times at the front not at the perennium. Had to have a cathetar and it took longer than normal for my body to go back to normal. Was told after that ideally they dont like to deliver back to back babies as it can cause complications. I have an anterior placenta this time which can be an indication that i will be having another back to back baby. Sometimes makes me think if caesarian would be way to go in this situation but ideally i want to have a natural labour xx
I think c-sections should be for emergencies only or people who have had a very traumatic birth. Maybe I will have a different view once I've given birth myself. However I think the money could be spent on other things such as a better ante-natal service or something. x
I havent seen the new guidelines... did they end up putting sexual assault victims on the checklist?
This was something raised in our ante natal class that assault victims may be able to choose c section to avoid the trauma of any stranget being in that area of their body
Hadn't thought of assult victims, guess that would make some women really not want a natural birth.
well i had an elective c-sectiondue to medical grounds with my second.

i think if youve not had a kid first then they shouldnt offer, then if youve had a birth and it wa a traumatic experience and you have great concerns then u should at least be given the option.

my first resulted in a post partum bleed, i lost two units and was kept in for 5 days, not to mention she got stuck and i was forced to oush for 4 n half hr before they tried to help.

i was so scared oflabour i was half greatful to get the infection so i could have an elective c-section
I am pro choice as long as it's an informed one. I don't think women need to give birth naturally to be good mothers, I don't understand the competitive martyrdom that comes from giving birth in a certain way. I work in the NHS and there is far more wastage going on in other areas than the £800 extra it costs to have a C section, and I suspect if you factored in the salaries of the midwives that we haven't got and desperately need a C section is probably cheaper, not that that should be a factor in any choice.
I imagine to have a C section is swapping one kind of pain for another, horses for courses, as long as the women and babies are happy and healthy.
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Just wanted to point out that it is a NICE guideline, this means that it is not a guideline written by the NHS, but by the national institute of clinical excellence. If the NHS had been faced with this decision then they certainly wouldn't have made it due to funding and politics. The NICE write guidelines for the NHS, but that's exactly what they are, a guideline. The NHS have already come out and said that guidelines such as this are not mandatory to follow and they cannot see this being a possibility with the funding situation at the moment so I don't think a lot will change to be honest. Women who suffer previous traumatic births already get consultant care if they feel adamant they want a section, and the majority of hospitals do make exceptions for exceptional circumstances, so I can't see anything changing really, there just isn't enough money to be able to do it. I believe women should be able to make informed decisions about their care, but having a section purely on the basis that they don't want a normal birth or are 'too posh to push' is not something I agree with at all.
My personal opinion is, what's wrong with old fashione natural labour and pushing? Women have been doing it for centuries and managed to get through it.

I feel that with the government already making cuts, I don't understand why they are bringing something into place that will cost the NHS more unnecessary costs.

I understand that there are times when a c section is necessary but I think if a woman has no genuine reasoning behind having a c section I.e it's in the baby's best interests then they should have to pay for the privilege and go private.
I think it's ridiculous!
To opt to have surgery if you don't need it?
Women have managed to give birth for thousands of years (and most of those years didn't have pain releif available!)
It will cost more money, and i just don't beleive it should be given to unless medicaly needed.
No i haven't given birth yet but when that time comes i hope to suck it up and just get on with it, it's how it's meant to be so people should just do it.

And they say the reason for this is because some women are terrified of childbirth.......erm don't get pregnant then? (But yes if previously very traumatic, and by this i mean near death, then i can understand women wanting one)
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Yeah I think it is spendin NHS money unnessaceraly, I think if someone wants a elective C section then they should have to pay for it them selves as it is completly unrequired therefor should not come of our our NI payments

Its like me asking the NHS for a boob job just because I realy want one IMO
Im not so sure... I gave birth to 2 back to back babies which was really traumatic, jake got stuck and it was incredibly painful. I tore both times at the front not at the perennium. Had to have a cathetar and it took longer than normal for my body to go back to normal. Was told after that ideally they dont like to deliver back to back babies as it can cause complications. I have an anterior placenta this time which can be an indication that i will be having another back to back baby. Sometimes makes me think if caesarian would be way to go in this situation but ideally i want to have a natural labour xx

my 2nd baby was back 2 back and i had to be stitched up after too and was close to going to going into theatre as i was still bleeding, but it was still a far more quicker healing process and positive experience then the traumatic emergency section i had 1st time around!! i have a choice 3rd time what to do and again i am choosing VBAC as it was much easier and pleasant!!

i suppose evryone is different but you need to experience both sides really to see for yourself as i did x
i think its bad should be in emergancys only.
i dread to thik if i have to have a c secton, cause i dont scar normally. i get keloids scars and it would hurt me for rest of my life.

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