Whats your sleeping pattern?


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2010
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Hi Everyone!! :wave:

Another pointless thread from me, but i'm bored and was just wondering what is everyone else's sleeping pattern like?

Might sound like a silly question, but i've always had issues with going to bed early. Dont get me wrong, as soon as my head hits a pillow i'm out for the count, within seconds, but I keep myself awake at night as I dont want to go to sleep, whereas everyone else seems content with going to bed at 10/11pm. I dont go to bed til at least 1am, never any earlier, if i'm working i'm up at 6.30 and if i'm off then i'll sleep til 10am. I know its a terrible routine to be in, some days i'm not in bed til 3am and up at 6.30. But its not because I cant sleep, its just because I hate the whole going to bed thing, lying there in the dark ect.

Does anyone else stay up too late?

Lol, you sound like me, I hate going to bed too, I always feel like I'm wasting my life away if I sleep too long! Hubby totally opposite and will happily sleep 12 -14 hours when he's off, says it's not a waste cos he enjoys it! The day he gets home from his offshore shift he will sleep for a good 16 hours, how I don't know! I normally go to bed around midnight and up at 7.30 just now, I do seem to need a bit more sleep now think it's cos of all the times I wake in the night!
I can't stay up past 9.45!! It's a struggle watching a tv show the finishes at 10 lol!
In bed by half ten/ 11 which is little mans favourite time to move! Then up generally every hour to an hour and half for a wee and generally get up about 7.30am when oh goes to work although before i was on maternity id have to leave for work at 6 am x
I'm ususally in bed about half 9 - 10, read for a little bit but lights off by 10-30 - 11. get up once or twice in the night for a wee, then usually awaking at about 5 and doze through till 7.30 when I have to get up for work. If i managed to grab a nap in the day then I can generally stay up past 11 tho :)
omg i'm so jealous of all you that go to bed at 10pm. That would be the ideal time for me. Most nights I find myself not sitting down until 10. By the time I get wee 1 organised for bed, then sort out her school stuff/lunches for next day and tidy up its normally late when I get to relax. I kind of justify it to myself in a way by saying...I deserve a couple of hours to chill before bed.

Sarah thats how I feel about sleeping my life away. I've also noticed something strange thro the years. If I have a sleep for 6 hours i'm the exact same as having a sleep for 10/11 hours, I always wake up feeling the same and am equally as tired, so I figure..whats the point in sleeping.

My OH is the same. As you may know by my previous posts he's not a regular drinker but drinks occasionally and last time he had 1 too many he slept for literally 26 hours, right through, no joke, I think thats an embarrasment tbh. He still gets slagged for it. I was in trying to get him to eat/drink something but he kept telling me to go away...saying he was shattered loooooool cheek.

I generally got To bed at 10pm mid week... but by the time I wash my face etc, get stuff ready for thE next day blah blah its about 1.30 - 10.45 when i get into bed. I usually read for about 15-20 mins.

I seem to be sleeping ok during the night.

Im up at 5.50am mon-fri and have a long commute to work and Im a grumpy b#tch when Im tired so the more sleep the better!

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