whats your childs personality?


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
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I was just sitting her and thinking how different Dior and Harley are.

Dior comes across shy, takes her a while to trust some one she sits back takes every thing in, then when she feels comfortable she is sooo funny - very bossy and very demanding

Harley is very very laid back, he will plod about for hours doing his own thing in his own time, if a child is upset or i am upset it really upsets him. he is very loving and very caring he shares every thing, if some one hits him he will just pull a sad face
- he will make a great BoyFriend one day.

whats your LO personality like?
Nathan is abit like how you describe Harley really, very laid back :D
well here goes

emily is a ''lok at me look at me look at me '' child. Dippy and slow to learn new things.
Shes helpful and loving but shes sly and devious also. I wouldn't trust her with a barge pole. She has a good sense of humour.

Rebekah is quiet, studious and intelligent. Doesn't do anything until she knows she can succeed. She is lazy and selfish. But honest and good. I don't know i have her. She has a good sense of humour until she is tired and then shes vile and boring.

Bethany is similar to emily. She has her attention seeking attributes but she is not helpful like emily. she is lazy like rebekah. She is devious too. She plans naughty things. Her sense of humour is fantastic!

Rachael is clingy, mardy, smiley, gorgeous girl!!!!!
aww budge they sound a great bunch of girls.

i love hearing about childrens personalitys, i wonder if they stay forever - will Harley always be so laid back.

i love children that are "look at me"
there is a girl at toddler group that always gets in the middle of the singing time and dances, but Dior is soooo the opposit. she shows of to the family but to strangers she just freezes
Jam is relaxed but if he doesnt like somethin he will let u no! very fussy about things with me, always strokin my face, gives alot of kisses so is very affectionate, an absolute NIGHTMARE when overtired but when he is dopey after wakin up he is the cutest thing!

id say he is very devious too, even tho he is nearly 9mths he knows to put his arms up for a cuddle and how to kick his legs to stop goin back in the walker lol :lol:
Hope is, clingy Mardy, loving, smiley, got an attitude, always gets what she wants and takes up all of my time, and these ar the things that make her the best daughter i could ever wish for, shes incredible! :hug:
Alfie is high maintenance. Knows what he wants and how to get his own way. He is very loving especially towards me and very boistorous as he always plays with older children, likes to do his own thing but also likes you to play with him and come and do things. He is very cheeky and also very loud he has an infectious laugh and a very contageous smile. He is very much the boss hates the word no (yes he know what it means :wink: ) and will throw the mother of all tantrums if you misinterpret (sp) what he wants, gets tired quickly and god help you when he is because he has a face on him like thunder. He wakes up in the lovliest moods and is really a very lovely little boy.

EDIT: and hes greedy eats all day every day :D big appetite
Brody is very chilled out and independent, at baby group he pretends to be shy for like 30 second then will rush off and I won't see him for the rest of the time.
He's very mischevious, and does cheeky things with a glint in his eye like he knows it's naughty.

Mason is very sensitive, not really into rough-and-tumble like a lot of the boys in his class. He doesn't like football, but is car MAD and his favourite TV show is Top Gear. He's very polite and thoughtul, and very rarely does anything "naughty" He loves playing outside :)
Awwwwwwwww it's lovely reading about your little ones :hug:

Debs is a really smiley baby and LOVES people. Everyone who meets says she's really calm and contented too. She is quite loud though, a friend said, "she's just like you Rachel, she doesn't cry but she shouts!" :rotfl: It's really funny when we meet a baby who does cry, we dont recognise the sound lolol.
Kiyanna is the bossy 1, has to do things her own way and will blame someone else if she has done something wrong. shes very opinionated 4 a 4 year old and outgoing
Elise is very quiet and shy around people unless she knows them well. she has 2 sus people out and get to know them b4 she will ever sit on their lap. she is laid back and just gets on with things and does what she is told 2 do
x sophie x
I'll have to tell you in a few months time!!
I love reading about the babies and how they are developing though!!
The stories of what they do it sooooo cute!!
my lil amber is a lovly livly girl, loves playin and screamin on top of her voice. she says hiya to absoulute everyone lol. She's got a shoe fetish (she not even 2 yet). Very happy girl very easy to fall in love with her. She my lil angel :angel:
Keeley is very independent(sp) during the day
she always wants to be standin up and gets moody when she doesn't get her own way... she uses other babies at baby group to help her stand up :lol:

She's VERY nosey and noisy

But she is very loving at night we always have lots of cuddles before bed :) but she is becomin a nightmare to put to bed as she even wants to sleep standin up :roll:
aww bless :D

Leahs a very happy baby, LOVES her food, knows what she wants n if she doesnt get it ,my god u all know about it. A loving baby, like cuddles before bed and when shes just woken up, like Keeley - shes VERY nosey!!! Doesnt like it when others get upset, shares her toys with other babies and is, in general very chilled out :D
ellouise can be summed up in one word "madam"

shes a right lil madam knows exactly what she wants and wen she wants it, and wen she gets it her gorgeous lil face beams a huge grin...

i love my lil madam so much xx

Kiara is bossy , funny and always has to be centre of attention.
At the same time she is passive when it comes toother kids playing ect she shares and lets them take her toys
Thea has an independent streak, she likes to do things herself, she wont entertain being feed by someone, she knows she can do it herself so she does! She is such an easy going, relaxed and happy baby. Its rare that she isnt smiling and her smile is a huge beam that lights up for whole face.
She isnt shy in the slightest, she flirts like mad with everyone even if she has never met them before. She will happily have a cuddle from pretty much anyone but if she doesn't like the look of someone she will yell at them and then refuse to look at them again :rotfl:
She is very vocal now and constantly babbles and sings. She loves being with people other babies but she is equally happy playing on her own with a baby wipe :lol:
Thea gets moody when she is sleepy and then she likes to hug you and whisper in your ear!
I have a feeling that my little girl isnt going to be afraid to speak her mind as she grows up! Personally I think Thea is amazing :D
what a lovely thread!

well Louisha is very wise and mature for her age (14) and doesnt suffer fools glady, she can spot someones ulterior motives from a mile off and let them know about it too! She is fiercely loyal to her friends and family and very loving and affectionate, she seems to be the friend that everyone goes to for advice and support and has a natural talent for making people feel special. She has a very silly sense of humour and can revert to 5 years old when she is in the right mood, shes lots of fun to be around! Shes also very confident and clever, im so proud of my big girl :D

Kasmin, 11, is more sensitive and has less confidence, she can be very shy and can come across as being arrogant at times but thats just a shield she seems to put up. She quickly loses patience for doing things if she isnt getting it right first time, but she will perservere after a pep talk. She is extremely loving once her guard is down, and once she trusts someone its because they have earned it and she returns that effort 10 fold! She is very clever also, and loves school, shes naturally talented musically. she prefers to have 1 or 2 close friends then being one of the in crowd. Shes always wearing very floaty colurful clothes and lots of beads and im sure shes a little hippy in the making :lol:
Kieran is very loud and in your face and likes to be the centre of attention :roll: but is also the most loving child ever when he wants to be.
What a lovely thread - you all sound like you have lovely childrne.

Niamh is a very determined, competitive, independent girl. Which is great because I never have to encourage her she if very self motivated - the only thing is she knows her own mind and is not frightened to tell us what it is :roll: She is also a loud child which I think can make her seem naughty than her friends because she is louder.

Aidan - more laid back - cheekier - plays really well by himself and loves trying to work out things. I think he will also be loud

Both of them utterly gorgeous and MINE!!!

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