Whats wrong with me?


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2005
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I don't know if i'm getting PND - how do you know???

I feel really down one day and sooo happy the next (today i'm down). I still havent caught up on things from before eva was born. For example her 'bedroom' is still full of junk to sort out and then it needs to be decorated and she is growing out of her moses basket really quick. I keep getting a nervous feeling in my stomach when i think of everything i need to do.

eva has gone back to waking through the night (last night she was awake from 1-3am and then again at 6am) and i feel like im doing something wrong. i feel like the whole solids thing is stressful now (was all excited at first) but now i feel like i havent got a clue what im doing and its all wrong.

feel like i cant breathe sometimes when i get stressed and on days like this i feel like i never want to go out and see people again. one minute im in control and the next i cant cope. one minute i have no appetite and the next i'm eating anything in sight. I feel really forgetful all the time.

i read peoples posts on here but sometimes i cant even motivate myself to reply to them even if i want to :( i just feel bad.

are these things normal? sorry for the long post x
ToriElla said:
eva has gone back to waking through the night (last night she was awake from 1-3am and then again at 6am) and i feel like im doing something wrong. i feel like the whole solids thing is stressful now (was all excited at first) but now i feel like i havent got a clue what im doing and its all wrong.

Coby has started doing the same, its so frustrating isnt it! Charlie and Ethan took to soilds so easy, no fuss atall, so i was convinced and confident it would happen again this time, what a shock i have been given! its not happend that way atall with Coby and now like you, im not sure what im doing.

Im sorry your feeling down babes, i know how that feels too, sucks doesnt it :( Keep talking to us on here tho, its helped me alot

thanks layla, do you think it sounds like post natal depression? or am i just down? i havent got a clue.

just feel like im crap at everything :(
i cant say for sure hun, but its could be a possiblity.

how long has it been going on for?

You sound like you are doing great. I suppose it is normal to be feekling unsure about what you are doing and iof it is right as it is such a learning curve. Plus all your nergy goes on baby and otger things so I think you are entitled to feel unmotivated some days. However if you are feeling that this is a problem I would advise you to speak to your HV about your concerns as they are the best people to help you. Its tough for anyone here to say that it is PND, we don't know what you are like normally and we aren't trained if you know what I mean but if you don't feel that this is normal speak to your HV or even your GP and they will be able to help you more. Hope everyhting is ok, take care of yourself hun xxxx
on and off since i had her. some days and weeks im fine and others i feel like i cant cope. i feel nervous in the pit of my stomach and breathless and then i have days like today - where i feel cranky with eva even though i know its not her fault she is whingey and since she went for her nap today i've just sat and cried. i should be sorting out her bedroom now but i dont know where to start. everyone else on here has lovely bedrooms for their babies :(

Sorry you're feeling down hun :) I hope you feel a bit brighter soon.

With regards to the weaning, Damien has been a nightmare the last week and is being very fussy too. I was enjoying weaning him at first, now I feel like it's gone way over my head, so you're not alone.

thanks everyone,

I had stressful day yesterday, everything went wrong. it was raining really heavy, eva was crying all day and i fell over too!! got a huge lump on my leg. then last night i had no sleep and she has been whingey all morning too.

im wondering if tiredness is making everything feel worse??

I feel like being pregnant again would make me feel happy because i was so happy when i was pg. found it exciting and lovely.

do you think i'm really bad for not having her bedroom done yet? :roll: i had a list of jobs to be done before jan and her room should have been finished. i'm gutted that it isnt and i dont know where to put all the junk!!
Not at all. Seren isn't in her room and although we got it done it is now full of things like her old baby bath etc which we haven't got round to putting into the loft. Tiredness could be making things worse, everyhting always seems tougher when you are tired. I have tons of unfinished jobs around the house and it does make you feel worse. Don't be so tough on yourself you are doing great xxxx
Damo's room was done before he was born (i.e painted) but its full of everything now that we haven't put in the loft! Havent got round to having a clearout yet. Mark reckons Damo should be in his own room this week, I don't wanna let him go till he is at least 6 months!! If I keep the mess there he gets to stay with us longer :lol:
thanks :) i'm feeling better. there is dishes to do and washing to sort but having a little break while she is napping has lifted me a bit. i need to get her room done. she is quickly growing out of her basket and it will be too cramped to put a cot in our room!!

Don't worry I think we all have bad days. Trying to do everything you used to do before having to look after someone else 24/7 is a challenge. I still haven't had a wash today if that makes you feel any better.

Sounds like anxiety rather than PND but I'm not a doctor and I haven't had PND (at least I don't think I have) so I'm not sure. Have a chat with your GP if you feel really bad but most importantly don't expect too much of yourself. This stuff isn't easy!!!

You're doing great and weaning is a nightmare. Got Zara up to 2 tea spoons of baby rice a day - whoop whoop (not)
haha whoop whoop :D

does she not like baby rice or is that all she can manage?
eva wont really eat more than a teaspoon of solid in one sitting
You keep mentioning getting her room sorted babe and how it really needs to be done,it must be really praying on your mind and can't be helping how you are feeling. I have been in my new house a year now and the girls room was discusting full of junk. Me and oh spent the whole weekend decorating and tidying,bit like changing rooms :D . It's beautifull now and I feel a lot happier for doing it. Get yourself some great storage boxes rope in some friends or family pick a weekend and just go for it,then it's done and I bet you will feel better xx
yeah thats what i need alright!! wanted it done in december :lol:

keep the prep talks coming!! i will post some pics when im finished. dont hold your breath though haha
Sami said:
Damo's room was done before he was born (i.e painted) but its full of everything now that we haven't put in the loft! Havent got round to having a clearout yet. Mark reckons Damo should be in his own room this week, I don't wanna let him go till he is at least 6 months!! If I keep the mess there he gets to stay with us longer :lol:

just the same as me Sami - great minds eh? :wink:

I hope you start feeling a little better and our little ones keep us so busy i feel like you more days then not think its just every little thing building up inside.
I think we all feel like that every now and then Tori. You are keeping busy by the sound of things and that's the main thing to take care of. I hope your leg is ok.


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