What's wrong with her?


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2005
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For the last week or so, Rubie has been very hard work. She has 3 hours every day (sometimes longer) where she just will not settle. She doesn't properly cry but she frowns and shouts and generally grizzles. Her breathing becomes really fast and she throws her arms and legs about like she is really angry. She isn't bringing her legs up and isn't properly crying so i don't think it's colic (she has infacol and gripe water anyway). She is eating and sleeping well going to the toilet ok so I am baffled as to why she is like this and just want to know if it's something I am doing wrong or if there is anything I can do for her. It's beginning to get me down, it's so draining. I burst into tears today when OH asked me to move my bag because I was so stressed out with it all :(
Did she have her injections yet? thomas has had his on monday and has been difficult to settle down since. He wants constant attention and cuddles and as soon as you try to put him to bed or leave him lone for a few minutes, he cries. then he is overtired and cries until he sleeps.

Ah those babies, we think it is all going well until they show us the opposite!!! :wink:
(((kim))), I was just about to do a post on this. Seren has been exactly the same, grizzly all day. I can't seem to cheer her up, had to leave her with OH for a half an hour as it was really getting to me. I don't think it is a growth spurt or anything, my HV says it could be because of her jabs last week but I would have thought that it would have finished by now??? Haven't been much help sorry x
Rubie hasn't had her jabs yet (she has them on Wednesday). I expected she may react like this to her jabs, but she hasn't even had them...
Oscar has been the same!!! It must be a global bug :lol: :lol:
Apart from all of the above things that he does, he also fights with my boobies and nipples. Tugging and pinching.... very sore.

Yesterday was just rediculous.... he didn't sleep for more than 10 min and last night he woke 4 times. Not like him..... hoping this will pass. He's asleep in my bed now, but I'm stealing a few minutes to have brekkie and check posts.
Hope it gets better for all of us!
Emilia xx

ps. can't be jabs here either - Oscar has his nearly 3 weeks ago.
Coby is like this aswell!!

its always between 7pm and 10pm, he just wont settle atall, hes a right grump!

i just switch off now tho, igo through all the possibles, hungry, wet, hot, cold, wind etc.... and if its none of those then i just cuddle him untill his strop is over
emilia said:
Apart from all of the above things that he does, he also fights with my boobies and nipples. Tugging and pinching.... very sore.

Seren's doing this too....what is going on with our babies?? :D
Beanie.... your guess is as good as mine!!! :?
Oscar isn't being himself today - he's content, but I just know something is troubling him. We're just having lots of cozy cuddles today. :wink:
Emilia xx
Thank god I'm not the only one! Matthew has been a right grumpy bum yesterday and today although he has been asleep for an 1hour and 1/2 today so far, so my sanity is still intact! I keep thinking I might put in earplugs if he keeps doing it then I wont hear him but can still fuss him without getting stressed!! At least he is sleeping at night in fact he seems to be in the habit of having a bottle a 4am to top up then sleeping until 7ish! Hoping he carries it on!

When Isaac throws a wobbler I hold him close to me, give him his dummy and usually tap him on the leg or back to soothe him because he is only really grumpy when he is tired and for some reason he fights to stay awake.

The other night he had had his bedtime feed and been winded but he didn't want to sit on Jarrods lap while I changed his bed sheets so he was trying to punch Jarrod in the face! And he wasn't just randomly waving his arm, he was aiming it lol

Lou :)

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