Whats up with my boy?

Nurse 26

Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
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Hey ladies, hoping you can help me out with this, cant figure out if its 4 month sleep regression, growth spurt or teething? or possibly a combination.

For the last 3 nights my good sleeper has turned into a night owl. hes slept 8.30pm till 6am since he was 9 weeks and barely wakes, but now hes waking up every 2 hours not always for feed infact last night was the first time i had to give him a night feed in ages, hes also been fussing with his feeds too, had a battle to get him to feed last night before bed, he was screaming the house down like something was bothering him. Even tried a bottle of expressed milk and he wouldnt take that, eventually he feed from me

I'm exhaused:nap: any ideas?

how long does sleep regression last?
Was he born early hun? Coz adjusted agae maybe that he is hitting the 4 month sleep regression? The behaviour sounds a bit like that. I take it he isnt ill in any way? xx
nope no temp and seems happy in himself.

he was born 5 days late, but he was 15 weeks on tuesday
OK, well could be heading into sleep regression- and growth spurt too! Ethan didnt sleep thru like ur little man but went from waking twice a night at about 10 weeks to 4 times a night by about 16 weeks! For us I'd say the sleep regression lasted a good few weeks, and gradually resolved. Dont think its that long for every baby tho? Maybe once the growth spurt is out the way it wont b so bad! See how his daytime naps go- maybe if he is sleeping ok in the day it is more a hunger thing at night coz of a growth spurt, as opposed to sleep regression. Remember between 3 and 5 months was a v tough time for us with sleep and growth spurts etc, but things got so much better once we came out the other side :-)
Fussy feeding tends to lean towards sore gums perhaps. I had this last week. Have you tried Bonjela etc? x
If its sleep regression this lasted 3 weeks for us, fx he gives you a break hun :( xxx
OK, well could be heading into sleep regression- and growth spurt too! Ethan didnt sleep thru like ur little man but went from waking twice a night at about 10 weeks to 4 times a night by about 16 weeks! For us I'd say the sleep regression lasted a good few weeks, and gradually resolved. Dont think its that long for every baby tho? Maybe once the growth spurt is out the way it wont b so bad! See how his daytime naps go- maybe if he is sleeping ok in the day it is more a hunger thing at night coz of a growth spurt, as opposed to sleep regression. Remember between 3 and 5 months was a v tough time for us with sleep and growth spurts etc, but things got so much better once we came out the other side :-)

thanks hun, glad to hear theres light at end of the tunnel, he was quit bad for naps yesterday 3x 30mins which is just not enough for him.
Fussy feeding tends to lean towards sore gums perhaps. I had this last week. Have you tried Bonjela etc? x

thanks hun, i picked some up yesterday so will see how feeding goes today, so far ok.
The only time josh fusses with food is when he's teething we have two bottom teeth already and it sounds the same as what we had. Other signs for us were eating less in general and screaming fussing with last bottle of the day before bed. Chewing hands and pinky cheeks

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Oh and if you notice its teeth related we could feel his first one under the gum then I'd highly recommend calbroprophen sorry that's spelt badly lol rather than Calpol as it brings down the inflammation Calpol did diddly squat for us

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well hes fed fine today so far not much fussing at all but we shall see how bedtime ones goes.

Thanks ladies
Yeah sounds like possible teething or growth spurt to me. Hope he has a better night tonight xxx
we had the same thing hun, lasted a few weeks but shes stopped waking in the night every night now and its only some nights and a tooth is breaking thru. it was a combination of sleep regression and teething for us. nightmare to get to sleep, waking in the night again when she had slept thru, naps were 10 mins to 30 mins tops and very grumpy baby
We are mid sleep regression..... Please someone confirm it will stop! Lol x

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