Whats the best way to use clary sage oil?


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2010
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In a burner? On a tissue or in bath??
And do you think it's ok to use whilst taking evening primrose capsules?
Thanks x
I'm going to be mixing mine with a base oil (it's too strong to use directly on the skin) and massaging it into my bump. Also will be taking epo orally and up the foof. Heck it worked for BevG who turned into Wonderwoman :shock:
I put 4 drops in my bath. It doesn't smell very nice so have a window or door open.
But it's ok.
Ladies - I'm sorry to be totally naïve but are these all things to help bring on labour? Can somebody tell me about them pls? X
Evening primrose helps to loosen the cervix and make it stretchy which helps it to dilate apparently. Not so sure about what clary sage does but I think it's to strengthen the womb ready to push the little squatter out
So BB do you think that would help start things off?? I hadn't planned on using EPO cos of not giving birth naturally!!!!
Don't ask me lol I am blindly plummeting into the world of motherhood with my fingers crossed and my legs wide open. I suppose though that if the cervix is soft and squishy you are more likely to lose your plug and waters after sex.......
Clary sage oil is suppose to bring on contractions. My friend used it at 37 weeks and within a day she was in labour. I'm taking evening primrose capsules too but have been a bit lazy with them last few days not very good with tablets! But been doing couple mile walks most days over fields and having lavender baths every night so tonight I'm trying clary sage oil in bath as we speak, gonna have another just before bed and also putting some on a tissue on my chest to sniff. Apparently it brings on contractions and evening primrose gets all your bits ready basically lol
Really should have shaved before trying this Incase it really does work lol oops!
Oooh, right I shall be hitting the shops tomorrow! I really need to start this perineal massage business aswell!
Id never heard of this until my mw in labour asked if i wanted some, she put some on a cotton wool ball and told me to sniff it, it is a very powerful smell tho xx
Don't ask me lol I am blindly plummeting into the world of motherhood with my fingers crossed and my legs wide open. I suppose though that if the cervix is soft and squishy you are more likely to lose your plug and waters after sex.......

but you are sooooooooooo informative all the time. :rofl:
I had trouble finding it. They sell it in holland and barret but our local one shut down. Luckily my friend had some who recently gave birth! So far nothing, lots of back ache but that's been like this for weeks. Got a tissue with a few drops on under my chin. Going to have a birth in a bit again lol just before bed and take some to bed on cotton wool! Fingers crossed this works! Although I have anti natal classes tomoZ so there might be a bit of a show there is things start up when I get there! I'm already going to be the furthest along as my fort class got cancelled so I'll really end up making use of the Midwifes aha x
Lol best place to go into labour.....and everyone else gets a real life class :D

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