Whats it like having a boy?

I love having boys!! They are so great!
Mine are so loving! More so than my girl!
Obviously I love my girl too! :shock: lol sounds like I dont like her! hahaha
But yeh boys are great! My mam never wanted to have a boy! She had 4 girls and never felt the need to have a boy but I always did! Im lucky I always wanted boys first to look after their sister!! :hug:
Yay! Team Blue for you! :D

I can't say what it's like having a girl but I love having a boy! I think whatever you get is fab anyway! :D
It's great! Being a mum to any either gender rocks! :wink:

My son is easygoing, loving and super lively. All the things little boys are cliched to be, but any daughter is just as likely to be IMO.

At this age the only downside is the clothes aren't as cute. Yes, there's LOADS of choice, but you look in any shop and the girl's selection is bigger. And trousers don't always fit over his nappies.

As they age, I would kinda expect teenage years to be easier with a boy, but only cause I remember going through that stage where I hated my mum, think a lot of girls do. I think I'd worry more for a son's safety though.

And as an adult..well.....'A son's a son 'til he takes a wife, your daughter's your daughter all of her life' :?
It's great! Ash is only nearly 8 months and he's a real mummy's boy already. He's so cuddly and puts his little arm round my neck when I cuddle him.

He's started saying mmm-maaa-ma-mm-ma, so I think he's on the way to mama!

He's so laid back and easy going. I love having a boy. Thinking of the future I don't think I'd know what to do with a girl, but I'm sure if I have one I'll get the hang of it!

2 words, Mummy's Boy, you'll love having a son, they love their Mummy's :cheer: :lol: :hug:
My boy is a real Daddy's boy and sometimes it upsets me, that is until he hurts himself then he wants his mummy and when he is in our bed he sleeps between me and oh and he puts his arm around me, i love that :D
I have 3 boys and love them totally!\ I never wanted girls for some reason :| they are loud, energetic and great fun :D
i have 2 boys, i wouldnt know what to do with a girl :lol: my friends with one of each say girls are harder work. my mum has 2 of each and has always said boys are more loving, girls are bitchy! (cheers mum!! :shock: )

boys are fab, it is hard work having constant conversations about transformers and starwars though, and pretending to be interested. james never stops talking about them. i guess it would be the same with barbie though :lol:
Redshoes said:
2 words, Mummy's Boy, you'll love having a son, they love their Mummy's :cheer: :lol: :hug:

Both my girls are Mummy's girls.... but thats just cos I rock... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I'd claim my little boy too if and when I have him... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

In general being a mummy rocks :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Don't worry Sharne... your LO will be the most wonderful, caring, loving, considerate, beautiful child you will ever lay eyes on... because he's yours and no one else's... :) :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks so much for all your helpful lovedly replies girls...

I've already starting buying the little dude more stuff, im moving onto trainers now lol!

Now the only thing is having to wait... Im so impatient!

boys are cool 8)

although I have been told by people with both, that boys are more active and are "into things" a lot quicker than the girls

welcome to team blue :D
I'm ashamed to say I was a bit disappointed when we found out it was a boy..... girls clothes and names are so much prettier so it was alot easier to imagine having one. BUT, within 24 hours of finding out it was a boy we were thrilled about "having a son". I can't say what it's actually like to have one as he's not here yet, but we are bonding more and more each day.

Anyway, reason for my reply, is if like us you aren't that keen on the traditional sky and navy blues clothes you see all over the place, both Mothercare and Next do some really funky colourful clothes. Also, Primark! I'd never even been in one before but someone on here suggested them for cheap baby gro's etc, and we picked up some really lovely stuff, like rainbow coloured sleep suits and baby grows in greens/brown/beiges - that kind of thing.


L xx
My little boy is already full of energy and his legs constantly kick and move!! I think that they are easier to clean as there aren't so many crevices to clean, like girls have!
BHS, M&S, George (Asda), Mothercare and Tesco all do fab boys clothes!!!!!:D
when they are babies i would say there is no difference but as teenagers my boys have so far proved me be much harde than my girls, my eldest is 19 and has given me a hell of a time, my 2nd son is 18 and has a bad attitude and life is much easier now he has just moved out, my girl aged 17 and 14 are no trouble at all...so far!!!! my 15 yr old son is impossible, i think i have just realised why i panick at the thought of another boy. :think:
and if u want to treat yourself , pumpkin patch to anb coloured clothes and funky stuff , they got a great online sale at mo too !

sleepsuits and bodysuits i cant reccommend asda and matalan more !
when i had beth i sooooo wanted a girl, then when i was preggers with Izzie we had a scan and it showed she was a girl....i was over the moon as i wanted 2 girlies (and beth wanted a sister)......now im so desperate for a little boy :cry: Oh says he doesnt want anymore kids BUT I WANT A BOYYYYY!!!!! :evil: :evil: Im gonna have to keep in at him i think :wink:

Congrats on your little boy Steelgoddess!! :cheer:

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