What's in a name?

I don't have a reason or story :rotfl: my best friend asked me earlier what Sephs meant and I was like 'I dunno...' I did use SapphireDesire on a few boards, then SaphDaph, then Sephy, then Saphs, then Sephs :doh:
Jen & Her Men said:
Well I started out as J-Do1979 cos my name was Jennifer Donoghue and i was born in 1979 and you say J-Do like J-Lo (Jennifer Lopez) and it twas my nickname in school..

But then I got married so it didnt seem relevant anymore so I changed it to Jen&James cos we knew we were calling our son James but then I fell pregnant AGAIN and found out we were having another boy so couldnt just be Jen&James anymore so changed to Jen & Her Men cos Im surrounded by my boys! Plus Jen and Men rhymed so I liked it! :D

What's going to happen when Oliver's 4 months old and you become pregnant with the next one and it's a girl?

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I'm going to get slapped for that!
My name Kelly and the Somer is the name of my first love........

...... my very sexy dapple grey irish sports horse! LOL!

I have had some funny parcels sent with my name as Mrs Kelly Somer, erm nope! :rotfl:
My names debbie, which means bee. Because of that my hubby calls be bee all the time. The daisie bit come from a childhood nickname. When i was a little girl i cried when my dad cut the grass cos he cut the heads off all the dasies, hence the name. The piccie is one my hubby made and sent to me ages ago
I signed up here when I just found out that I was pregnant (about 4 weeks gone I think) and I was Full of Hope that everything would go well and we would be bless with a gorgeous baby.... which we were :D
When I first joined I didn't know whether I was pregnant or not, and thought maybebaby had a nice ring to it. Even when there was no doubt I couldn't change it though, I got used to it! I don't use it anywhere else.
Mine was simple because I was pregnant again which meant more smiles in my life! I could think of nothing else to put - I'm rubbish at names lol!

I often think I'd like to change it - when I come up with something better I might do!

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