What's happening to me


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2015
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So to cut long story short. I had a miscarriage on the 23rd June stopped bleeding 29th June. Got pregnant again about a week after that found out around 22nd July I was again expecting though excellent surely this time it'll be all fine. Anyway miscarried again on the 30th July and doctor did test that day which was negative. So she explained the foetus probably died a while before that. Stopped bleeding around 5th August as they are early miscarriages I didn't bleed for long. So on Thursday I woke up with abdominal pain and went to the doctor he did all the usual swabs to check for infection still awaiting results. I've got thrush at the moment too and that's bothersome. But last night following to this morning I had a light bleed not much probably just a bit heavier than spotting. Has anyone else had this
I mean there is a chance it could be he start of another pregnancy even tho we are not intentionally trying.

I am just confused I mean it could just be an infection after two miscarriages in a row
Hi hun

Sorry to hear bout ur mc.

Could it be left over blood? Iv googled loads since my mc and saw that you can bleed on and off for weeks and this is often mistaken for AF.

Apparently you need to be bleed free for 3 weeks before counting any new bleeding as AF.

No idea if this is accurate, just something I read on line.

your cycles can be a little off after you miscarry. With my second mc, I remember I had a really light period around 3 weeks after I stopped bleeding from the mc. It was confusing, but my cycles eventually went back to normal. Its just your body recovering.
If you're worried, check with your dr but it sounds normal to me
Thanks ladies I am going to call them tomorrow just check it's normal and that there isn't anything left in there. Maybe they'll offer a scan xx

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