What's happened to his daytime naps?


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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In the space of a week, zac has gone from having a nap in the morning and afternoon of 1-2hours each, to having one 20min nap in the morning. I wouldn't mind but I know he is knackered in the afternoon as he gets really grouchy and whingey, but refuses to sleep! Do you think they are gone forever? Anyone else had this with their LO? X
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Hopefully it's just a phase. Lacey napped until she was 2 and a half!
Tris is like this to he used to sleep a good hour before but now he will only whine for a good half hour in getting tired out an then he will only sleep for like 20 mins at the max although im sure he only had bout 10 mins in his bouncer. Although in the afternoon ive noticed he sleeps alot better in his cot for a good hour to an hour an half in the afternoon but if he slept in pushchair or bouncer hed only sleep a good 10 mins and be groggy so i always put him in his cot for a good afternoons kip. Although he hates being woken up by someone ie if the door bangs he bells his eyes out cos it disturbs him lol.
Try his cot in the afternoon see if that will help. x
I put him in his cot for his naps, doesn't make any difference. Thanks though x
:( maybe he dont need as much sleep as you thought does he make up for the sleep during the night ? x
He does sleep well at night, I don't mind him not sleeping if he is happy, but I know he is tired. I'll just keep trying to put him down for a nap when he gets grouchy and hope it's just a phase. X
Emilys naps are unpredictable at the moment too. She usually has a decent one in the morning but afternoons can just be 30 mins! It's hard because as you say, she gets really grumpy!


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