What's going on??


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2010
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Hiya girls,

I've not been on for a while, been trying to take the stress out of TTC and not obsessing.

Anyway, I'm confused, frustrated and hopeful about what's going on at the moment. I usually have a 32-day (ish) cycle (only had 2 longer) and was due on the 2nd August. I have had no sign of AF, no usual PMT either. Usually, I get agonisingly sore boobs, cramping and headaches. Apart from last friday, when I had crippling cramps for about 45 mins on and off there has been nothing.

Also,(TMI sorry!) I have loads of creamy CM and my cervix feels sort and high (I can hardly feel it), usually it is low down and hard like the tip of my nose before AF. I have done 6 HPTs all have been negative.

Any opinions about what's going on? I really doubt I am pregnant because of the 6 :bfn:, but is there still a chance...?

I would say give it a week or so if you want to test again, but maybe the doctors is the best option, hopes for a BFP for you thoughh ! xx
I didn't get my BFP until I was 5 days late with this pregnancy and even then the line was feint. I would leave it a few more days and if you haven't ha a visit test again. Good luck honey xxx
Hi Hun it may be possible that you ovulated slightly later then usual this month so the tests may not pick anything up, I agree with the others wait another couple of days or so and try another test... really hope this is it for you x x
What tests are you using hun?!
Give it a couple more days - if you can - and test again!
Maybe try and limit your drinks in the evening time before bed so that your FMU is even more concentrated

Good luck x x x x
Thanks for all the advice girls. The waiting is so hard, especially when you know you are late. I'm going to not POAS until monday.:nopoas:

Bonny, I used 2 Tesco own brand tests and 4 internet cheapies. The tesco ones were the last I used.

It's horrible not knowing and waiting...

Hiya Flopsy, you must be at your wits end :(

Do you actually know what date your last period started? I used the same ticker as you and it had my dates all buggered up because it defaults to a random date if you refresh or anything and i didn't notice for ages.

Do you use OPKs?

It is normal for women to OV 12-18 days before their next period (14 days is the average) so if not maybe you OV'd later and hasn't produced enough hormones yet?

Also, re your cervix mine was high before my AF this cycle and it isn't normally.

Not sure what to suggest really other than waiting it out. Give it another 5 days and test again and if it's still negative and you don't have AF then go see your GP...

I hope you get a BFP soon :)
Thanks LouiseB.

My last af started on July 2. I don't go by the ticker, I should get rid of it really.

I have done OPKs and I usually ovulate around CD 16 - 18 and af is always 13/14 days after OV with me. I didn't do OPKs last month as I am trying not to obsess about TTC anymore, it was taking over! LOL I just keep thinking how I have been TTC for 9 months, and if I took the first month trying, I would have my baby by now :wall2:

I just keep thinking how I have been TTC for 9 months, and if I took the first month trying, I would have my baby by now :wall2:

You'll get your baby one dayand it'll just be all the more precious for the wait :)

Might be already in there, fingers crosssed ;)
Oh well I know what was going on...the witch was playing tricks and she swooped this afternoon.

Into my 10th month TTC now. Thanks for the replies girls.


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