Whats for dinner today then?

I had a lazy dinner as couldn't be bothered. Roast chicken (left over from the roast yesterday) with baked spud, salad and corn on the cob (seren's favourite)
we had a mke your own pizza from asda, ham and cajun chicken :D

so yummmmm!!! xx
We had pork with veg, mash and yorkshire puddings. Couldn't eat the pork it stunk (is that a word?! :oops: ) stank? Oh whatever the word is :doh:
Now Im hungry!!!!!

Dont know what we are having as Im channeling 'Old Mother Hubbard' at the moment, my cupboards (& fridge freezer!) are empty!! The worst bit is that Im craving mash potatoes & gravy at the moment!!!!!!
jools221181 said:
We had pork with veg, mash and yorkshire puddings. Couldn't eat the pork it stunk (is that a word?! :oops: ) stank? Oh whatever the word is :doh:

you just made me lol :rotfl:

last night we had chicken fajitas, tonight we're having spag bol and garlic bread, quick and easy cant be bothered lol
no idea, OH's finished work early so when he gets home were walking to shop to decide on something quick, lol.

i'm overdue a tesco trip but my folks are away for 10days from thursday night so i'm holding off till then to go so it lasts (they drive me to the shop :D )
I ended up with a frozen meal last night. Tonight it's homemade Hickory Chicken. Made it once it was scrummy.
LisaJ1986 said:
I ended up with a frozen meal last night. Tonight it's homemade Hickory Chicken. Made it once it was scrummy.

That sounds delish!!!!
i just roasted a huge gammon joint so we are having that with new pots and runner beans..ooh and butter :D
tonight we are having homemade burgers, potato wedges and some salad
tonight we had home made pasta carbonara.our cupboards are a bit bare too so no pud but im off to tescos in a bit cos weve no bread either so i will get pud while im out :D
I'm sooo hungry and we haven't had anything yet and I haven't got a clue what we are gonna have, will have to raid the freezer me thinks :think:

Jamie had pork, oven chips and brown sauce and I hovered over him while he was eating incase he left any :rotfl:
I have just made the most delicious lamb burgers from the weightwatchers website!!! Mmmm!

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