What's everyone up to?


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
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What are you all doing/have done?

Lazy day here, lil one wasn't well so up half the night with her :(
Not feeling 100% with the whole morning sickness thing, so I'm sitting on the sofa watching nanny McPhee,trying to get rid of nausia! Haha. Quite nice to do nothing, but feel like I'm wasting my day! Hurry up 1st trimester! X
same here lazy day!! havnt moved off the sofa really and wont be until my roast is ready lol
mad rush later im sure getting kids bathed, school uniform ready etc
Just had a chicken dinner and now watching the wimbledone final!! Woohoo! Been really looking forward to this! Go Rafa!

Gonna have to press pause soon though, mother in law broke her leg last night and going up to see her in hospital.
Having a day on the sofa whist off sick from work with SPD. Watching TV and trying to persuade OH to take me shopping :D Spending my afternoon writing lots of lists!!

I'm pretending to do housework whilst thr girls are at their dads! Have mopped my floors tho and done a few loads of washing so it does look like i've been busy! Somehow my day off never really turns out to be a day off! Just about to start Reading the book I got yesterday on the dukan diet which is some French thing that promises permenant weightloss!
At the moment chilling out whist Megan naps and Caitlins is napping on the sofa although I'm hoping shes dry because Mummy forgot to put a nappy on :shock: :lol:

Thankfully today isn't a hangover day, slightly blergh but not much :yay: looks like pacing my drinks a lil better with my aging thing going on works. Oh it's just not the same any more :rofl:

Hmmmm then I think the rest of the day will be dinner for the girls, garden play, baths and peace which will be having some dinner and I fancy an early night so I can be alert tomorrow for some work and get some of my washing pile out the way.
I'm so behind with washing :( Sick-loads are awful and have to be washed first which means everything else has to wait :wall2:
Rob and I been to town this morning to get the very last bits and bobs we need for bubs :dance:Although its awful going to town with him as he gets so impatient!

Back home now and going round to a friends later to celebrate her hubbys birthday but I want to just have a bath and lie on the sofa with my book :mad:
Haing a major lazy day today. Went to a family wedding up north yesterday which has completly knackered me out, so I feel the extended version of LOTR is in order and possibly a nap.

I have eaten a very large amount of food today though :eek:|
Been to the zoo with my NCT group from when I had H and now he's on the sofa feeling a bit hot and said he wants to sit and cuddle instead of play so fear I might have a poorly one now :( x
well my day today;

Get haircut,
post baby shower/bbq invites
buy & post wedding card & gift for wedding Im no longer going to
buy & post LATE birthday card and present to best friend (bad bad mate I am)
take passport photo to renew drivers licence - has it really been 10 years?! - then post forms off
do food shop
buy last minute bits for baby (got OHs card again :) )

then...come home and crash out for the afternoon, even tho Id rather be getting the house organised!
oooh and send off direct debit form for council tax!!
officially crashed :) Not before getting washing on the line though :yay:

Didnt get the haircut or bits for baby, but everything else on the list done as well as cashing n my ISA to try and ease my credit card burden!! Hope youve all had a good day (Im talking like its the end of the day and its not even 3pm yet :wall:)
Busy bee today tiny :yay:

Today I had a bleurgh day, little miss isn't well still but mildly better than she was :) She also had her annual check up at the hospital, (all well)

Her Dad came home this evening and he's not well either :(

Caught up on some washing and cleaned my utility room

Tomorrow will be one of my Throw out days of clothes, so much things I need to get rid of :D
Well today i got up, got kids and myself ready, took kieran to school, went to mothercare for 10am with a friend then to metro centre. Got stuck on the A1 for 2 HOURS on the way home!! I thought it was coz of the crazy gun man running around (who i happen to know...EEEEKKKK) but it was a nasty accident. 3 kids in the car between 13 month and 12 weeks stuck in traffic does not do much for your patience l0l. Got home eventually (its a 10 min jounrney usually) washed all my newly bought cloth nappies. Picked kieran up from school, OH came in, i went to asda for some shopping, came home bathed kids, ironed a bit, made bottles got kids to bed now breath and more importantly...PF!! xx
Well today I got up gave my Jacob a cuddle in bed for an hour whilst he drank his milkies giving Mummy cuddles :love: Then I put Finding Nemo on and we ate breaky together, weetabix and sugar! Then we had a bath and got dressed into PJ's again :lol: Put in In the night garden DVD on and he watched that until lunch and he ate his...whilst I sat and did the online shopping! Got ASDA Delivery coming between 12-2pm tomo £3.50 for delivery - bargain! Then I did dinner and watched the soaps. Gave my little man cuddles and put him to bed :D :D x
Well I have been working night shifts. My last shift was last night so I slept in til about 1 today. Showered, went to Sainsburys for my bread ingredients, went to b&q, came home to see a lady that was coming round to discuss a new mortgage, the one we are looking at could save us £122.000 over the life of the mortgage (holy f) - then prepared and baked said bread which has turned out great (it looks good anyway but I can't try it yet - it's getting frozen lol). Did 2 loads of washing and cleaned some bits of the house. Now watching out of Time. Tomoro I think I shall see the MIL, may do some more cleaning then heading up the road to inspect one of the lad's from work's new house.
woah toon that sounds like a killer of a day. Bet you were asleep the second your head hit the pillow!!! And whats this about knowing the crazed gunman? youre practically famous, its the only thing on tv right now apart from teleshopping channels, and big brother live (not much happening at this hour!)

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