What You..

Amanda W

Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2010
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Okay everyone i cant seem to keep up anymore lol that might because everyone on here is expecting and also my friends that i personally know are also expecting so lets have everyone write on here what they are having and why they are happy :)

Im aving a Girl-this is my first baby and nice to know im gonna be having a beautiful daughter :cloud9:<3 You can say im over the moon :dance:
I know I'm not tri 2 but thought I'd post too!!

I'm having a little boy!! So now I'll have one of each :D
*pokes head in*

I'm having a boy, my 3rd one! I seriously don't mind, my boys are just so special I can't wait for another to add to the gang!
I'm sneaking in too! I'm expecting a boy and I'm so excited because I've had a little girl, done the girl stuff and I can't wait to experience having a little boy! I feel so lucky to have one of each! I'm absolutely loving the clothes shopping, toy buying etc for a boy and can't wait to see what the differences are between the two! Can not wait to meet my son (I LOVE saying that!) and start experiencing life as a family of 4!
I'm having a baby, lol, sorry I couldnt resist. I am not finding out the flavour until birth. I am so thrilled to be pregnant and am really looking forward to looking after a little person that me and hubby created.
we are so excited about this baby and we are also team yellow so something extra to look forward to x
I'm really enjoying being team yellow as tempting as it is sometimes
but that's just because me and my boyfriend really love surprises I think! :)
I just can't wait to have a mini-me or mini-Josh to look after!! :D X
I really don't knw what I'm having until oct 22nd. I can't wait to find out weather I'm team blue or team pink. Will keep u posted.
Hiya,I'm having another boy :) will b 4 in total...feels so strange knowing b4 the big day cos i never found out wiv my other kids xx
Im team yellow!! am very pleased to be pregnant, didnt know if we could have children so over the moon, is first baby and cant wait till i meet him/her xx
Well I'm having a little boy called Devon, we chose his name 8.5 years ago and then I had a little girl!

He wll be very lucky and spoilt, as he will have a big brother Rhys (11), another big brother Toby (9), and a big sister Briony,(8) and they cannot wait to see him born just after xmas. As they are older and I had them all within 3 years of each other, so they have never been able to be a proper part of pregnancy before, and that is the greatest bit of it this time I think. I was soo pleased to find out he was a boy (we hadn't planned to but saw his extra bit at the scan, then had it confirmed to be sure), as I now feel complete as here I am having the little Devon I thought I was having 8.5 years ago, he will be my last baby, (I am getting snippered when in for my section!)
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i am having a little boy called joseph and feel very lucky to be having a baby at all as oh had a reversal, I had always thought he would never change his mind. We have been so so lucky to get caught. Just so looking forward to being a little family as this is my first baby and I cant wait to see him xxxx
were on team yellow and will stay until baby is here. im so happy with this pregnancy and cant wait to see my little man or my little girl.
i feel so lucky to be pregnant and to be sharing the experience with my little lady and my OH xxx
Oh i forget to put iam calling my little girl Alisha
Im having a baby, i'll find out the sex on the 4th October i just can't wait to meet my little baby :) x
This is my 3rd pregnancy. I lost my baby girl 2 and a half years ago to pre-term labour-She died moments before birth and my baby boy is 7 months old today, he too came early and only lived for 2 days :cry:
I am on team yellow this time :)

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