What you all think?


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2009
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Could this be my month, after so many years of TTC?

I have had pain on one side two days ago, which has now gone and today when I went toliet and wiped, there was really light pink blood and loads of clear see through gooey discharge....I am not due on until 28th June....?

No other symptoms, so I am just thinking it could be a one off and my body is playing with me, as it's never my luck! lol

Just wandering what other symptoms people had with their pregnancies?

Donna x
Sounds like a really positive sign hun, i really hope this is your month. Ive had lots of spots, which i usually dont get, really tender breasts, cramps and loss of appetite xxx
Oh babylover I really hope this is it for you. If it's out of the ordinary it deffinately sounds promising. Do keep us posted but try not to test till af is late. All the best Hun
I so hope this is your month, I will keep everything crossed hun :hug: Spotting is a good sign.. I hope the witch stays away xxxx
good luck babylove xxx
Thank you everyone

It is out of the blue for me, as i have never experienced this before, not like 6 days before AF is due....I am not going to get my hopes up and no I don't bother testing now until I have a late AF....

Thanks x
Sounds like it might be implantation bleeding... fingers crossed for you!
Thanks everyone

Update, being havng some twinges today on my right side below....

Donna x
Update - Had really stringy pink discharge today, really thick. Also i had light pink spoting on my panty liner ( i wear panty liners as i have a weak bladder) and also when I wiped....Very strange for me! All my side pains have now settled down.

Decided to take a pregnancy test (just a tescos cheap one) and it came back negative! I couldn't help myself lol i have hopes, but then I think to myself not to get my hopes up as it may not be.

Donna xx
Got everything crossed for you Donna! You deserve your BFP soooooo much! Xx
I'M OUT!!!!!!!! Witch got me today! My body is playing games with me.

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