Help Please??!


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2009
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Hello Everyone

Sorry haven't been on for a bit been busy with work, house etc... Anyway today I went to the toliet and noticed on my pantyliner that I had pale blood, really light, so I went for a wee and wiped and noticed a bit of really pale blood with a bit of CM and it is worrying me now, because I have never had it before.

I came on my period on saturday after being 6 days late and came off my period on tuesday...Could this be any leftover blood from my period?

I have never ever ad this before and I have lower pain as well, just slight ones on and off all day..

Donna x
I'm sorry, I don't know what it could be but don't want to read and run x Hope someone else can offer some answers x
it could be a little bit of spotting mark it on your calendar also if youhad sex and just keep an eye on it if it keeps happening see your gp sounds like your cycle just having a weird month
I always finish my period and then bleed a bit a few days on. My GP says I have a tilted pelvis and its just blood thats collected and got stuck for a bit. However if you haven't had it before I'd say keep an eye on yourself and if it gets heavier or you feel unwell then call your GP for advice.

Could you have a urinary tract infection ? They can cause a bit of bleeding (though you'd probably notice if you were peeing razor blades)
Thanks for the advice ladies

Lillie - no I don't think I have a UTI, as I have one of them before and they kill when you wee, like you said lol I suppose I will have to keep an eye on myself, it may just be the leftover's as if to say lol

Donna x
I sometimes get this but its not so soon after my period, its normally a week or more...I just get dark stuff when I wipe and a bit of period cramp...when I had my laparoscopy & hysteroscopy last year he told me that one of my ovaries is slightly larger than the other but other than that everything is 'perfect' so whether it is something to do with that or not...I doubt!!! But if other people get it too hun then I wouldn't worry about it too much...
I have always been a worry wart lol

Thanks hunni xx
Hey BL

I always have like brown CM (tmi) for around 4 days after AF has gone.

I really wouldnt worry about it unless you are having pains and the blood gets darker or it keeps happening.

Hope it turns out to be ok

Everything is ok now

Thanks everyone for the advice x
sounds like a bit of AF left over! I get it some months but not always! but like the others said if your worried just pop in and see your gp

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