What would you say is acceptable???

I would get a present.I dont like giving cash.If i did give cash it would only be a fiver,certainly no more.my 7 year old had a party in march for her bday and some gave her cash and only give her a fiver and she was well happy.when you think kiara goes to at least a party a month it soon adds up,its not being tight and tbh the phrase ''its the thought that counts'' springs to mind
i would also put a fiver in.....we often buy pressies from woolies and tescos etc and never spend more than a fiver on school friends except his best friend who often gets 20 quid (money or pressies) tbh often i will only spend 2 or 3 pounds if i have bought something in the sale or i get colouring pens and stuff, my son gets invited to 32 parties a year (and thats just school friends) and if i gave them all 5 or 10 quid it all adds up!!
Wow maybe I am a bit tight but surely £5 is plenty for a seven year old? Since you have been asked for cash I think you have to give it now, but I wouldnt ask in future and just get a little something! My Mum used to have a 'presents' cupboard she used to collect suitable gifts when she saw them in sales or on offer, or unwanted things of ours, and we used to just pick something from there unless it was for a best friend or cousin etc. Im sure it saved her loads of money :D
I know I don't yet have kids but I personally think £5 is more than enough. When I was a child i remember sometimes getting a pound coin taped inside my card and being over the moon, and that wasn't THAT long ago. My family wouldn't spend much more than £10 on us kids for birthdays, maybe it's because i'm from a big family and not exactly well off though.
I would give him a tenner.

Thats because Harrison has had a birthday party every year since he has been at school and we invite the class, he ends up with 30 presents that he never ever plays with and some don't even come out of the boxes.
It isn't that he is ungratful, its that the presents are usually pointless crap that doesn't even interest him anyway.

At least with £10 he can put it towards something that he would really like and you know he would want.

I usually try and find really good presents for birthday partys, but usually end up spending around £15 trying to find something that the child would like.
I've been giving my friend's kids (I'm called aunty by them) a tenner for birthdays and Xmas for years. The 9 year old wants computer games, the 6 year wants books or dolls and I have no idea what the 3 year wants :lol: . She's alway taught them the value of money (single parent) so they can buy what they want. I usually buy vouchers for their favourite shop and at Xmas I get them a small stocking filler also.
i think a fiver is plenty - he's 7!!! i'm not tight but i certainly wouldn't be putting £10 in :shock: - i used to be chuffed with a couple of quid and inflation hasn't changed things that much :lol:
nickilubs said:
valentine said:
Sherlock said:
And holy crap. How much money do parents spend on other kids birthdays over a year :shock: Times it by the number of chilldren you have and their ages... :shock:

Absolutely agree - we're just getting into this now. Have had so so many 1st birthday parties over the summer to buy for as its all DD's friends. And still have many more to come. All different groups of friends too so some I can't suggest a 'secret birthday santa'.

I am trying to stockpile for future birthday presents and Christmas presents already from the Book People at work, car boot sales and charity shops (like new), the sales etc as we just don't have that kind of money.

Valentine Xxx

its so true, i probably sound really cheap for saying £5 but then thats what we would get and now if we are lucky to get anything me and my brothers and sister would only be given that much from familly. mum and dad spend £10-£15 on us at bdays probably because im from a big familly. But when I was 7 if I were given money I wouldnt take note of who gave what I would of always just looked at how much I had all together at 7 £5 seemed like loads let alone if everyone that was going to my party gave that much. but i liked surprises best....mum and dad got me a minie mouse pin brouch on my 7th bday and i still remember it now and how happy I was that couldnt of been more than £4.

I agree to me £5b would be enough but id rather get a present £10 is a bit steep for a friends chil and for a 7 year old
maybe im a cheap sake but id spend that on family i never got that much when i was 7
today peoples expectasions are very expensive :shakehead:
I would give £5, I only give family members and 'close' friends £10 or more. I prefer buying presents though as someone else has already said you can buy lovely gifts for a small amount of money.
Id go for £5, my cousins children only get £5-10 and my best mates son gets about £10.
Id tend to think if I gave one of his friends £10 then Id have to give that to them all and it a fair amount when you think of around 30 kids in a class.
No matter what he wants to spend his money on, he cant expect every friend to give £10, if he had a classful he'd have £300 from friends alone for his birthday
fiver's fine millie got one in one of her cards. x
jesus , i hadnt even thought about this :shock: no way will i be giving a tenner tho :shock: fiver plenty if you have to give money !

i like the idea of a pressy cuboard too !
Gem & Leland said:
jesus , i hadnt even thought about this :shock: no way will i be giving a tenner tho :shock: fiver plenty if you have to give money !

i like the idea of a pressy cuboard too !

I have a drawer of bargains i've collected that i can use as presents - i tend not to ask what a kid wants in case they say money - im more likey to ask their fave character or something. I have 12 nieces and nephews on my side alone - that'd be a lot at a tenner a pop!
Well it was the boys birthday today and i put a fiver in the card. That pressie cupboard is a bril idea and from now on thats what i'm gonna do . I'm not even going to ask the child/parent. If they dont like what i give then thats just tough lol.

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