how great is deal no deal. i love it. its my last day at work today and i shall be watching each day. i have missed it the last 3 days can you tell me if Max has been on yet.
and Dan i hate soaps but i admit to watching Sunset Beach everyday when it was on.
l can't say l watch lots of tv, although l occasionally watch eastenders,.... missing out on the good stuff though! Den gets killed tonight l believe and l haven't been watching it in ages!!
Has anyone been watching 'worst week of my life'? its just ended on BBC1, only 7 episodes long though but absolutely hilarious!!
Did anyone watch Eastenders last night, when Den got killed? who agree's that it was a crap episode,.... l thought it was very weak considering all that and build up. l thought it was very dull! maybe l should write to the BBC lol!!
ye i agree veryfluffybunny
my mum was sittin there yellin that those guys hu walked past him had stabbed him an she was right. haha
i h8 jonny allen but i dont really know the story coz i dont normally watch it.
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