If u could start ur own business,which field would u choose?

gosh i'd be crap at ANY of them i do NOT hav a business-head lol but hypothetically (sp?) i'd choose design, it sounds most fun.
Okies you have been warned!!!!!

This is one of 7 James Bonds Aston Martin DB5 used to promote Goldfinger that Matt detailed on Friday


This is the Auto Union Type D that he prepared for auction in Paris that was set to fetch over 8 million at auction but got pulled last min!


A ferrari F40 also at the auction that he detailed


This is a Aston Martin DB9 Vantage that he detailed the other day its 4 years old and is up for sale for 75,000 :shock:


This is a BMW M6 5l engine with 500BHP


This was my baby she is a 1996 Mk3 16v VW Golf GTI...I loved her sooooo much and she got a few details in the time i had her!!! We had to sell her to get a van for the business i cried my eyes out when we sold her and i regret selling her...i have 'cravings' for her esp when snoop dogg is on and all i wanna do is go out and drive her :(



Sorry ur all prob fallen asleep now with my boring pics haha
have got more but gotta find the disk but i think that enough its a pregnancy forum not a car forum!!!!
tattybear.... s1mmo's mrs.. or is that who its sold to? lol
:lol: i knew i had looked at pics of that golf lately
I'd love to own my own book shop/cafe. Think open fires and homemade cake with a load of books thrown in! :)
tattybear85 said:
Craig said:
:lol: i knew i had looked at pics of that golf lately

haha what forum u on??? hes on a few!!!! lol

Small world!

spotted those pics with previous golfs on GTiOC (although im banned from there now :lol: ), sure ive saw the same username on detailingworld aswell lol
yup hes on detailing world too lol

Its all his fault we sold it and i still havent forgiven him i begged him not to sell it..she was my dream car...sounding like a man again lol
I have had a few thoughts on this before
I keep thinking about opening a clothes shop for petite women
we have such a hard time finding clothes our lenght
not everyone is a 31 inch :roll: :x
We shorties have to in desperation buy long length then fork out to have them took up. Unless your good with a needle (Im useless)

I was going to call it AMA AQUA my birth stone and birth sign.

Ive also thought of running my own childcare company either a nursery or a babysitting buisness
but i havnt got the finacial know how to do this

Im better with the kids playing getting covered in paint glue and glitter
I would love to run my own alternative health business. I am a qualified Holistic Massage Therapist, but I only took that exam to enable me to enrol onto the ITEC Reflexology course. Unfortunately I dropped out due to ex problems. I plan to go back to it one day though :D
I would go into property or buy a big house and make it into a small residentail home for young people with learning disabilites, just 4 young adults and plenty of rooms ie living room dinning room and chill out rooom etc :D
I already have my own business, just in a beginning stage. I am a photographer, so was no issue for me :D
the best thing i ever did was start a business, i now have 2, 1 internet based shop.

i love having no one to answer to. and its now beginning to be financially rewarding :cheer:
I would LOVE to open a bookshop and have poetry readings, writing groups, open mic nights etc.. Get local authors in as well.
OMG I have had so many ideas over the years...got as far as a business plan but that was it :lol:

Feel free to steal this ideas as I'll never get round to it :roll:


A chain of coffee shops/book stores. Dealing in second hand books but also stocking university and curriculum texts. A member signs up for a one off payment of around £10 and then they can use the coffee shop to read the books in store. A bit like a library card, but they cannot borrow the books....only buy them or read with a coffee and a cake.

Local artists would also use this as a gallery, and it would stock books of local unknowns, also CD's etc of local unsigned acts, a place to buy underground publications and advertise gigs and demo's. A real headonistic haven!
I would love to work from home, possibly have an online business....can't imaging working 9-5 all my life :lol:
Mum_2besoon said:
I would love to work from home, possibly have an online business....can't imaging working 9-5 all my life :lol:

me too. but i realise that you can easily get distracted at home, especially when u have children. i'm thinking maybe finding an office near home
laetitia85 said:
Mum_2besoon said:
I would love to work from home, possibly have an online business....can't imaging working 9-5 all my life :lol:

me too. but i realise that you can easily get distracted at home, especially when u have children. i'm thinking maybe finding an office near home

True, I work near home 15 mins by car I love it, so wouldn't be a problem when the babies start coming 8)

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