What would you like as a present when babe is born??


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2007
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Hi girls :wave:

Just wanted to know what you girls would like to be given as a present or what would be a nice idea?

My friend is due to give birth on 2nd April, money is very very tight. She has a little one aged 21 months.

I have bought her everything she needs for the baby for the first 3 months, I hated the thought of her struggling she would not been able to afford it so I thought instead of buying lots of silly things that would get thrown away or sit in a cupboard, I bought all the essentials bit by bit over the last few months.

This is what I have bought

Breast Pads
Maternity Pads
Baby bath
Cotton Wool
Cotton Buds
Clothes - Vests, babygrows, tops, trousers, socks
Little pram shoes

She has her travel system, cot bedding etc all from the first baby.

But I want to get something for her, have you any suggestions that could help me?

Thank you :hug: :hug:
How about a massage or something like that

Id certainly like that after my babys born :)

You sound like a nice friend
i would of loved some things to pamper myself with bath things, or i got a pedicure paid for by my mum which was lovely!
Awww you sound like a great friend!

Do you mean some sort of treat for her?
If so maybe a voucher for a manicure/hair cut or something pampering like that...

how lovely, i agree with teh other girls, something to let your friend indulge in a bit of pampering. my local beauty places does vouchers so if there is something similar in your area, she can choose herself from manicure, facial, massage - whatever she fancies!
id like a voucher to get my nails or hair done i think
You sound like a great friend :hug:

I personally am convinced that I will feel pretty minging and look like crap after the birth and for the weeks following so a haircut, a spray tan and some time to sleep (i.e. someone to look after baby and toddler in your friend's case) would be great! Maybe somthing as simple as a promise to come and do the washing/cooking/cleaning would be a brilliant present so that life doesn't seem so chaotic?
I'd like some nice homemade meals and someone to do the cleaning.
ah hunny that is so sweet of you :hug: :hug:
you sound like a wondeful friend
Id say the same a manicure / predicure or a massage facial or getting her hair done.

id love to have this

or get her a Make over and hair done
and have her photo taken by a professional with her children or just her on her own looking a million dollors
though this may too expensive for you :think:

mabye you take the photo after the make over and put it in a lovely frame as a keep sake.

hope ive not rambled to much
:wave: sarah
Will you be my friend?

The best gift I could be given is the gift of sleep! No point having manacures because I would catch my little boy with my nails so I cut them off, or you get poo under them! Hair done, no point, as I would have to have it tide back, so I can see the poo before it gets under my nails! plus lack of time to wash hair! Or pulling of hair!

I had a back rub after my little boy, that was lovely, but then back to picking him up!

I say sleep :sleep: Or something for a nice relaxing bath (If time) offer to run bath and look after little one, hmmmm time to shave legs, nice. to see my legs right now would be nice!

Or gift vouchers. *Shrugs*

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