What would you do?


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2007
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My boss is making my life soooooo difficult :evil: she spends most of her time making "personal" calls and whispering down the phone (she doesnt realise the whole office can actually hear her!) and when shes finished with her call she puts the "portable phone" back down next to her. When a customer rings she says to me "get that for me" (no please, no thank-you) When i said to her the phone is right next to you, she snapps and says "im busy! answer the phone" so all day long im rushing around to find a portablke phone that she could have plonked anywhere! and its really wearing me out :(

If she sees me having a laugh with one of the girls, she snapps again and says what am i doing! and what work have i done.

For god sakes!!! its not like im a child, i work very hard and every now and then its just nice to have a little baby talk while doing your work!

She has caused such a bad atmospher within the office all of us cant stand working with her anymore. she is intimidating, moody, insulting and to be honest just makes you feel scared half the time.

Im so tempted to ask the doctor to sign me off work due to stress or something but im worried as ive already had 7 weeks off due to bleeding e.t.c (havnt had a great pregnancy)

Can i get in any trouble by having more time off if im pregnant? I just cant carry on like this, and she is not the kind of boss you can talk to about this or tell her how shes making me feel. She loves power and enjoys treating people the way she does. She is also "best mates" with the area director which doesnt help!

Tiggy xx
I really don't know the answer honey, but it sounds as though you're having a really bad time, so I wanted to send you one of these :hug: :hug:

Aren't pregnant women protected? There might be nothing she can do...but someone else might have to clarify.
you cannot be punished in any way shape or form for pregnancy related sickness as this is covered under sexual discrimination act :cheer:
Hmmm... Theres one of two ways you could deal with this...

The first would be to maybe ask if you could have a word, and rather then turning it on you make it about her...

Tell her that you feel she seems stressed and if there is anything you can do to make working together better as a team.

The way I see it really is sometimes people take their positions and use it to demean others, shes not helping herself really and if that was my boss I would have told her to stick her job up the jaxxie and learn to have some mannors but obviously thats not realistic...

The other thing you could do is look if other departments have vacancys or depending on your role look for another job and contract whilst your preggo.

The thing about taking time off is yes its lovely and de-stresses you but when it comes to going back to work it can make it hard. I was in a similar position and i took time off, when it came to going back I had a panic attack. I cant imagine how awful that would be if i was pregnant on top of it.

Remember you and baby are the most important thing and so is your health, this boss lady needs to be put in check!

pregnant women hav certain rights at work, u cannot be discriminated for time off due to pg-related illness. she sounds like a right witch, boo!
id get urself signed off hun, u dont need that rubbish! xx
Do you have a HR department you can talk to? Sounds like she's not being very professional if she's taking personal calls all day.

Otherwise I'd have a word with your doctor and ask to be signed off. Sounds like your work haven't done you any favours so why should you do any for them.
oh honey

I think Sharnes advice is great and the other girls esp speaking to HR, I have now had 3 weeks off and have been signed off for another two, like sharne I was getting panic attacks as so scared of being sick and the commute was killing me. I do feel guilty being off but I have mailed HR and told them they must but support in place if they want me to come back...like provide a darkened room if I have a migraine or feel i am going to faint (in a massive college they can't do this) eh! I am worried about coming back as the work will be hard but in these first few fragile weeks it made sense to keep stress levels low.
you just do what is best for you and your baby and yes maybe keep your eyes open for other positions where you are supported, bosses like that are a nightmare.xxxx
She sounds like a bully - I would lodge a greivence with your HR department - they would then have to investigate and it maybe that your colleague will back you up. If that doesnt work get signed off sick - there is nothing they can do - pregnant ladies are so well protected ........
Sounds like your boss is a witch.

Like others have said I would first try and talk to her, although I noticed you said she is not the type you can talk to, also try your HR/Personnel department.

If youre wanting to do some research about employment law try looking on this website www.acas.org.uk they offer impartial advice, I have used their helpline a number oftimes and they are very good.

Hope you get it sorted.

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