What will you miss most this christmas?


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2006
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the obvious thing for me will be wine and champagne! have missed it since the start of my second trimester.

secondly i will miss pate, port and stilton...............

Hmmm, roll on next christmas, we will have some making up to do girls!
I am allowed 1 glass of champagne on Christmas day as we're gonna tell DH's family our news. They're all having prawns as their starter and I won't be able too so will miss that. and All the wine I would normally drink as well as the Irish Coffee to finish. Its all drink with me I don't have a problem honest.
gettin sozzled...

nothing quite like the feeling of a full tum and the merriness of too many large glasses of wine..

im also really gonna miss me nanna, wud have loved to have shared the pregnancy experience with her x
pate and smelly cheeses

still having a drink on christmas day though
I am really going to miss my blue cheese this christmas (I've missed it all through my pregnancy) I always love the stilton you can buy over christmas as it is the strong swetty varity. I'll also miss my camenbert and goats cheese, although having spoken to my midwife she told me that if you eat these and they are fully cooked (piping hot all the way through) you can eat them as it kills all the nasty bacteria that we're not suppose to have.

I'm going to allow myself a couple of glasses of wine on the day, one with dinner and another when i feel like it, although on the odd occasion when I have had a glass, it's just not tasted the same, it's almost burnt the back of my throat much like whisky would!!!!

Enjoy Christmas girls :D
Gonna miss Baileys and my nan, she went into a home Tuesday, first year without her there. :(
Defo the Baileys and the pate.

Oh and all the roasted peanuts!
Actually that's another thing I'm going to miss, my christmas cocktails. This might sound horrible to all of you but I love it.

Baileys, Cointreau, Ameretto mixed together with milk, it is delicious. Ooh I want one now!!!!!
MMM im going to miss my jack daniels and coke this christmas! :cry:
but im still going to have a glass of red wine! :wink:
All of the above. Especially the getting sozzled bit lozzi!
And salmon roulades. Am I really not allowed smoked salmon??

Claire, won't they let your nan come home for christmas? My grandad's been in a home for 6 years but I always pick him up xmas eve and drop him back boxing day. Last year he was ill though and was the first time I had to leave him there, it was horrible :cry: He's coming this year though woo hoo! :D
Misslarue said:
All of the above. Especially the getting sozzled bit lozzi!
And salmon roulades. Am I really not allowed smoked salmon??

Claire, won't they let your nan come home for christmas? My grandad's been in a home for 6 years but I always pick him up xmas eve and drop him back boxing day. Last year he was ill though and was the first time I had to leave him there, it was horrible :cry: He's coming this year though woo hoo! :D

Yeah they would I guess but it's really hard to get her motivated to do anything now, she has Altzheimers (sp?) Last year she was just worried that she'd fall asleep with her teeth in, lol, she was pretty bad then and a lot worse now so she's probably just panic.
Londoner Claire said:
Yeah they would I guess but it's really hard to get her motivated to do anything now, she has Altzheimers (sp?) Last year she was just worried that she'd fall asleep with her teeth in, lol, she was pretty bad then and a lot worse now so she's probably just panic.

awww bless her hun, probably best she gets settled in then :hug:
Misslarue said:
Londoner Claire said:
Yeah they would I guess but it's really hard to get her motivated to do anything now, she has Altzheimers (sp?) Last year she was just worried that she'd fall asleep with her teeth in, lol, she was pretty bad then and a lot worse now so she's probably just panic.

awww bless her hun, probably best she gets settled in then :hug:

Yeah true. I hope they don't have a tree. All she did last year was ask over and over who decorated the tree. :rotfl: Shouldn't laugh but she's adorable.
brie on digestive biscuits!! yummy i will miss that big time
Sorry girls, but I'm going to p*** you all off now! I was ttc last year, and had a 'feeling' that it had worked in December. So I was really careful, and didn't drink much, avoided all the foods you have mentioned, including my beloved stilton, but then I got my BFP in New Years Day so it was all worth it! :D

Although we are ttc again, I'm not due to ovulate until Xmas Day, so I'm going to make the most of it this year and eat and drink everything in sight!!!! :shock: :D In fact, I've already started. We bought my Mum a bottle of the new Baileys with Mint as a stocking filler, but unwrapped it and drank it on Wednesday night!!!! :oops: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I had to go and buy another bottle to wrap up yesterday!! :rotfl:
Amanda said:
Sorry girls, but I'm going to p*** you all off now! I was ttc last year, and had a 'feeling' that it had worked in December. So I was really careful, and didn't drink much, avoided all the foods you have mentioned, including my beloved stilton, but then I got my BFP in New Years Day so it was all worth it! :D

Although we are ttc again, I'm not due to ovulate until Xmas Day, so I'm going to make the most of it this year and eat and drink everything in sight!!!! :shock: :D In fact, I've already started. We bought my Mum a bottle of the new Baileys with Mint as a stocking filler, but unwrapped it and drank it on Wednesday night!!!! :oops: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I had to go and buy another bottle to wrap up yesterday!! :rotfl:

Goon on you Amanda!!! Fookin go for it, I know I would :cheer:

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