What will baby look like?


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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For those of us not having 4d scans! Do u try and picture what baby will look like?

I picture a little one who is pale cos my OH and I are both very fair skin and lots of blonde or red hair! My OH is really hairy lol and I have had lots of heartburn lol
Also think he will have OH's nose and head shape cos from the 20 week scan the profile is so like OH!
Aaaahhhhhh it's so exciting! A mini version of OH would be cute x



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hehe, so sweet!

i keep thinking about this, i want my baby to look like my side :oooo: not because i'm big headed but my OH's side all have really strong features (and big noses) :oooo: also, i'll sort of feel like he's more mine..is that weird..yes i think that's weird lol! xx
Pos my OH is much better looking than me I have a big nose and big ears lol!

I think of LO as just mine sometimes too lol

I would give anything for baby to look like OH!!! He's so pretty :cloud9:
my OH is also very pretty but we both have amazing eyes (even if i do say so myself!) ha ha...it's my best feature and so i would hope boo boo also has amazing big blue eyes...

will probably be a blondie too...xx
haha i always think about this and i am very particular so i try not to think about it too much! For a girl i'd like them to have my hair (curly) but with OHs thickness. His body shape and my nose and his eye colour. for a boy i'd like him to look like OH with my nose and my body shape.

i'm rounder and would like a boy to be quite fuller! OH is slim so am hoping for a slim girl with lovely long curly hair! :)

No matter what our LO's look like we'll still think they're the most beautiful little things ever!
I often sit there wondering what baby will look like. Both me and hubby were blonde when we were younger. I still am but hubby is now brown haired. I have blue eyes and he has brown eyes and I know brown eyes are the stronger gene. Facially, I hope he has hubbys nose. I don't like my nose. :eek:( But to have my mouth. LOL. But no matter what, I'm sure we'll all think our babies are the most beautiful and most perfect babies in the world! :) xx
I'm sure we'll all think our babies are the most beautiful and most perfect babies in the world! :) xx
I certainly will not, if he turns out short and dark and stocky like me and all the men in my family!!!!:shock:
This is something I'm a bit nervous about. I've got dark Mediterranean looks. DH is fair but with brown eyes and light brown hair. On my side there is a recessive gene with gives reddy hair and grey eyes and on DHs side there is a recessive gene which gives White blonde hair and blue eyes. AND Im a total Heinz 57 iykwim. I am a little freaked out that I'll have a really fair baby and a few months down the line people will look in the buggy and think I've been nicking babies! This is my one irrational thought. Truth is I don't care what he comes out like but it I would like to be recognised as the baby-mummy.
I think from my scan he has my nose (turns up at the end) Both me and DH have the irish colouring with very fair skin and darkish hair. I have greeny grey eyes and hubbie has blue so guess it will be something like that. Quite good that me and hubbie have similar characteristics as it makes it easier to guess!!
Yeah I can only wonder what our LO will look at. My Hubbie is v tall, dark and handsome :) I am average height, blond and blue eyes so our LO could go either way. My Hubbie has lovely small/average ears and nose so i hope he gets those genes as a min as our side has some large nose issues!!! So exciting to wait and see who LO takes after. I really don't want my LO to take after my Hubbie's dad as he is a little strange looking-god that's so mean of me isn't it?!!
Yeah I keep wondering what the twins will look like. I'm dark haired and so is oh he has green eyes mine are Hazel, hope they have his nose! Were both quite tall too! Im also wondering if il benefit from
4d scan? With them being twins? Do u see the same? So many questions lol! X
Sorry to jump in lol but I want our baby to have my brains and definitely oh's looks....unfortunately though we both have a sick sense of humour and are practical jokers so I can see many trips to apologise to the school :roll: xxxxxxxxx
My scan pic was so clear :love: I think baby has my nose and o/h's chin and mouth :) we were both White-blonde as toddlers and went mousy fair with age, both still go blonde in the sun (but I still get hilights anyway) and I have really blue eyes and o/h has blue/Gray/green eyes so I'm thinking a blue-eyed blondie :) x
I can't wait to see what my LO looks like - i think about it alot too!!!
I think that he will be tall as i'm 5ft9 and hubby is 6ft4. I'm blonde and he was blonde when he was a kid too, he's now got dark brown hair. We both have blue eyes and quite prominant noses!! So i think my little boy will be tall and broad, like hubby, with blonde hair whilst he's young, blue eyes and a good strong nose!lol xxx
We think that baby has my nose (thank god haha!) but I know she's not going to be the tallest as both me and OH are small. I think Id like her to be just like me but with OHs thinner face as I have a moon face :(!

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