what were we all doing...

1 year ago: I was 38 weeks pregnant with Nathan and fed up.
5 years ago: My eldest was only 2 and a half and just started nursery, I was working part time.
10 years ago: I was working in a sewing factory making football kits and going out with my biker boyfriend and thinking I was dead good!
20 years ago: I started my 1st year at junior school ( i think)
30 Years Ago: My mum and dad were trying for me but didn't have no luck for another 2 years.
40 years ago: My mum was only 8!
1 year ago
Was working my ass off in my job as i was still on probationary period, had bought a bigger engine for my car, was toddling along near the end of a 6 year relationship

5 years ago
Was still at school, was quite happy with how things were going with my gf and other things!

10 years ago
We were jus finishin our first year in new house, bro had his first car and we drove up north alot

20 years ago
i was 2 months old

30 years ago
Mum and dad were gettin serious-ish, dad was in the navy, mum was a computer programmer, brother arrived a year later

40 years ago
Mum was still in school, dad was kicked out for flooring the head teacher and serving his time as a tool maker/engineer
1 year ago
much the same as i am doing today being a full time mum to 2

5 years ago
bought our first home and was working full time teaching children with special needs

10 years ago
was living at home with Kieron and was working as a dinner lady, i started going to night school to train to teach

20 years ago
was nursing my grandama through cancer and was not in a good place, suffering very bad with depression

30 years ago
was in year 2 at school

40 years ago (i kno theres one or two of u!)
wasnt here my parents were just expecting my brother
1 year ago
Got loads of money back from bank charges so lots of shopping

5 years ago
Living with my boyf, now DH

10 years ago
Just about to turn 19, living miles away from home, getting drunk and stoned every night, thinking I was 'cool'.

20 years ago
Was well into the London Boys, even had a b/day cake with their logo on!!

30 years ago
Mam was 15, pregnant and scared

40 years ago
Mam was 5, plaguing the life out of her brother, dressing him like a girl cos she wanted a sister

That took some thinking about!!
1 year ago
Was just about to get pregnant :wink:

5 years ago
Being terrorised by a psyco of a boyfriend..one of the worst times of my life :(

10 years ago
I was eight and my mum and dad were just about to split up :cry: the other worst time in my life lol

20 years ago
Wasnt here :lol:

30 years ago
Mum and dad werent evan together

40 years ago
mum was 6 (i think hehe) 8)

Ooooo mine isnt very pleasent is it :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

1 year ago i was 7 months pregnant and getting fed up of it lol. and had been married for a couple of months.

5 years ago
Hadnt even met my hubby yet. i had just broken up with an ex and was trying to sell the flat that we had bought together. which he was being very awkward about. it was a very stressful time of my life.

10 years ago
i was 13 so still living at home with my parents, at high school, no bf, i was still pretty innocent at 13 lol.

20 years ago
i was 3... cant remember much from then tbh.

30 years ago
i wasnt born yet.. neither was my older brother... and my parents have been married 29 years so they had probably met by now.

40 years ago (i kno theres one or two of u!)
My parents hadnt met yet
1 year ago
On bed rest with early contractions......again :roll:

5 years ago
Nearly six months pregnant with Molly. Fat and blissfully happy.

10 years ago
Living in Berlin and just broken up with a total tosspot loser coke-head. I was a high flying career girl and I partied WAY too hard!

20 years ago
Just about to do my GCSE's Into Madonna and Duran Duran, thought I was the coolest thing on the planet :doh:

30 years ago
Playing with dolls

40 years ago
My mum and dad were expecting my sister......
1 year ago
Was enjoying being out having laugh with Sean and not doing anything productive!

5 years ago
i was with my ex in a dead in relationship working for comet

10 years ago
i was living at home with my dad, still in school

20 years ago
I was 6 years old in year 2/3 at school

30 years ago
i wasnt born then (or even planned yet! lol)
1 year ago
I was getting ready to celebrate my birthday and getting ready to plabn a wedding!

5 years ago
We had just moved into our house my OH and I and were very excited

10 years ago
I was living with my Sis, enjoying company of my mates...

20 years ago
I was only a nipper enjoying my speak and spell and loving school and going to partys

30 years ago
Not born yet
1 year ago
not even thinking about having another LO (a couple of weeks though and that all changed) just starting major building work that would of course be finished in a few months (she says looking at the unplastered walls :roll: ) Had had the christmas from hell - but thats another story

5 years ago
DS was 9...I was a Library Manager - v stressed and exhausted. Been with DH for almost 5 years and wondering if we'd ever get round to getting married

10 years ago
DS was 4 - working at Marks and Spencers and at a bar job to make ends meet - so was exhausted in January from working double shifts at both jobs. Had met DH before this - but about to realise why I was always so happy to see him :oops:

20 years ago
Went nowhere without my Doc Martens, a long overcoat and a lot of black eyeliner. :wink: Played a lot of The Cure and The Smiths and wondered if I was adopted a lot as my parents didn't seem to understand me at all :rotfl:

30 years ago
I was 3, my baby sister was just 1 and my mum was pregnant with a baby boy that would sadly be born asleep v soon :(

40 years ago
I wasn't there - Mum was 10 or 11 - and just passing her 11 plus - only to be told by my Grandad that she couldn't go to grammar school as it was a waste of time for girls :roll: My bio father was just entering the Army
1 year ago
I was pregnant with Hayden

5 years ago
going out clubbing, getting drunk, having lots of sleep lol, working for wetherspoons

10 years ago
I was 14 so probley getting drunk over parks and round peoples houses

20 years ago
i really dont know i was only 4, i know we moved house when i was 4

30 years ago
mum and dad hadnt even met

40 years ago
1 YEAR AGO: Ruby was overdue and I was soooo fed up. She was due 8th Jan and I still had to wait another week from here before she arrived...

5 YEARS AGO: I had met OH and we had just spent our first Christmas offically as a couple after meeting in the July. I was introduced to his parents at Christmas so I knew he was serious about me :wink:

10 YEARS AGO: I was living with my ex husband and planning our wedding for Jan 2nd 1999. It was a lovely day but we should never of married :roll:

20 YEARS AGO: I was probably madly in love with Bros or some other boy band and doing my GSCEs this summer

30 YEARS AGO: I was 5 and had a MASSIVE crush on the Bay City Rollers!! I had my own tartan scarf which I wore constantly :oops: (Does anyone else remember them or am I the only one???? :rotfl: )

40 YEARS AGO: My older brother was born and I was a mere twinkle in my mothers eye :wink:
1 year ago
I was suffering the winter blues, feeling overwhelmed by baby Stanley and getting ready to start back at work.

5 years ago
I'd not long been dating Gareth, and had just made the decision (on NYE)to move back to Birmingham after 8 years in Liverpool. I was managing the Body Shop up there and was out on the lash in the town centre at least 3 nights a week.

10 years ago
I was living in a shared house which would have been condemned by environmental health. This was probably the last year I was a size 8 and I was getting ready to graduate with my drama degree, working in Clarks and various bars for cash.

20 years ago
I was in my first year at senior school. I discovered my love for drama and had a spiky haircut so severe that people thought I was boy.

30 years ago
I was at the same stage as my gorgeous boy is now, as there is exactly 30 years between us.

40 years ago (i kno theres one or two of u!)
A sparkle in my daddy's eye.

Cool thread
I think this might be my favourite ever thread! I'm really nosy too! Well done tp!

1 year ago: I was about 13 weeks pregnant with my baby girl. I had had my first scan on 8th Jan and told our family, friends and work over the next week, which was just fantastic after keeping quiet for so long. I remember being ravenous but also feeling really poorly. My Granny also died this time last year on 11 Jan and her funeral was on 19 Jan so was a very sad family time too.

5 years ago: Hmmmm. OH and I had been together for 2 years and living together for 1.5 years in a funky (tiny) flat in central Edinburgh. Our rent and outgoings were peanuts compared to what we spend now but we were still skint - we've never been DINKYs! I had graduated in 2002 with a drama degree and OH graduated this summer as a teacher and was doing his dissertation (or planning it) this time 5 years ago. I was working for a youth theatre who were cr*p employers, I hated the job and the commute to Glasgow. I'd have to find my diary to find out how I spent my free time, but I think I got p*ssed fairly regularly and spent lots of time with OH.

10 years ago: I was planning my big 18th birthday bash (start of Feb). On my birthday I went to the pub with my best friend at the time (who later slept with my boyfriend, lovely) and we had a drink bang on the time I was born (11amish). I then went for dinner in Aberdeen with my girlfriends and had an amazing night out and looked amazing too - so s*xy (of course, I thought I looked like a tool at the time). I was in the middle of taking a year out between school and uni and worked at a tool hire firm in Aberdeen and LOVED a man 10 years older than me who used me for s*x but didn't want a relationship - I clung onto this and slept with him for 3 years until I decided he was a t*sspot, then later found out that my best friend had slept with him while I was too - great. I'm p*ssed off I gave him anything off me let alone so easily and that I let him be such a c*ck to me, but I am so pleased in some ways as he helped me (unbeknownst to him) be who I am and know what I want today.

20 years ago: I was 7. I lived in Doncaster in Yorkshire (I think) in married quarters - my Dad was in the RAF. I loved My Little Pony and used to eat my own hair until I heard about a girl who puked up a hairball. (Its funny what you remember!)

30 Years Ago: My parents didn't meet until 1979 so I wasn't even a twinkle.

40 years ago: Not relevant.
1 year ago: 19wks pregnant and loving it. Not loving having asbestos removed from this manky flat, and other works done which never resolved any of the problems here..fecking council..sorry

5 years ago: Had been with OH a few months, thought he was the one, we had major issues, I wasn't well, but worked through them together in a bedsit in Chapeltown :D

10 years ago: Living in Newcastle, at Uni, living the dream lol Out every night, having lots of fun with men and alcohol, finding myself and reading lots of books (I studied English)

20 years ago: I was 10, I think, I was never good at Math lol Waiting to move out of Primary to Secondary school woohooo

30 Years Ago: Ooooh I was about Isaac's age now, so I guess I was busy making my parents very happy and sleeping very well and teething :?
1 year ago
Waiting for my BFP :D very happy living a fab life with my gorgeous fella & kids!

5 years ago
Living a pretty miserable life, with a crap (EX) Husband, in a tiny shitty house, living from one day to the next!

10 years ago
Pregnant with Katie....seems like yesterday!

20 years ago
I was 12, having fun with my friends playing knock a door run, I was sooo mischievious! :rotfl:

30 years ago
I was 2 awwww

40 years ago (i kno theres one or two of u!)
my parents hadnt even met hehe

i dont think any of us on here are over 50 so ill stop here lol
My Mum was 2 :rotfl:
1 year ago
We had just found out we were pregnant...

5 years ago
Living at home with parents, had been with OH about 6months and we hardly ever apart :D

10 years ago
Living at home, bad attitude and thought I knew everything :lol:

20 years ago
Was only 4 hehe

30 years ago
Wasnt born!
1 year ago
i was in college doing performing arts :)

5 years ago
was placed into foster care :( and causing havoc at my school lol

10 years ago
my nephew had just been born :) i was only 8 :)

20 years ago
i was an egg in an ovary :)

30 years ago
i was still an egg lool

40 years ago (i kno theres one or two of u!)
my mum was 11
1 year ago
I was about 3 weeks pregnant obviously didnt know that I was at the time and in the honeymoon period of being married in Cyprus the previous June. My dad was decorating our new house.

5 years ago
Just met my hubby and was working for the ambulance service.

10 years ago
Just bought my first home alone got my mortgage when I was 21...it was the hardest but best thing I ever did. I lived there for 9 years. Worked for a ferry company.

20 years ago
I was 12 and in first year of senior school...it was tough because my mum had cancer at the time and we didnt know whether she was gonna live or die... She was in hospital for a long time so couldnt concentrate on school, fortunately shes still with us now.

30 years ago
I was 2 so cant remember a great deal about it.

40 years ago
My mum was 19 and a bit of a rebel she hadnt met my dad yet!
1 year ago:
I was helping my mum plan my grandads funeral :cry:

5 years ago:
We had decided we needed to move house, as we lived in a 2 bed flat with a 1 year old and i wanted a garden!!

10 years ago:
I was 18! Going out every weekened, getting very drunk! Getting piercings and tattoos and dying my hair pink(god i hope my daughter isnt like me, lmao :rotfl: ) 'experimenting' with things....and 10 years ago in May is when i met my hubby :D :cheer:

20 years ago:
i was only 8 ...so i was in school. I was very well behaved at this age, it was when i hit about 14 it all went wrong :rotfl:

30 years ago:
I wasnt even concieved yet, but apparently my parents were trying :puke: minging thought, lmao.

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