what time would you...


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2011
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Have babys last nap at if you want them to go to bed at 9?

Max keeps being too tired by 830 to take a big feed ! I don't let him sleep passed 5.30 at the moment as I then thought he'd go down well at 9.

He only has 3.5 hours a day which is usually 30/40 mins in the morning then two blocks of 1 1/2 hours in the after noon, like 12.30-2 then 4-5.30

Or shall I just let him choose his own nap times??

What does everyone else do? Xxx
Baby's of max's age according to my book can only stay awake for around 2 hours. So the nap should be up until 7.
Also, of he's too sleepy for your last feed that's why he'll wake more in the night because he hasn't had enough. X
At the moment Emily's bedtime is 8pm, but her last nap ends about 5.30. But I'm finding she's getting too tired by bedtime, so I think maybe I need t move bedtime forwards otherwise she is really grizzly. I think anymore than two hours awake makes her grizzly and then harder to settle. X
Sorry no advice here :(

Torino what book go you have ? Looking of getting one
I let Albert choose. They are too young to say Mummy I'm tired, he knows how he feels so I go with it. If he doesn't go down til 10 I don't mind as long as he is content. It's not as if I have to get up for work tomorrow so I can nap if we have a bad night xxxxxxxx
Yeah bb I used to do that but got too sleep deprived as he never had a good night as he would just sleep so much in the day, he's been doing a lot better since I did the 3.5 hours and at certain times except a couple of one off disasters but that's usually when he's not had enough milk at his last feed.

Ok thanks tor I might doing that then

Hannah can often have a nap at around 5pm on her walk and then she still goes down to bed no problem at 6:30....cos she knows that after her bath and bottle its bedtime, so she still goes down :D x
So do you let him nap whenever he wants but wake him up? I'm interested in this cos Albert has started a 2-3 hour nap over lunchtime and isn't napping that much in the afternoon so he gets a bit cranky. I've tried stomping about tidying up to wake him up with a clear conscience but it doesn't work lol
Lol yeah I feel soo mean doing it but I make it so he kinda wakes himself up. So if he's asleep on me, ill move him off n lay him on the sofa without a blanket or anything around him so the lack of surrounding comfort wakes him, if he's asleep in the cot I take the blanket off him, its usually enough as he sleeps quite lightly during naps. If that doesn't work though I will kinda sit him a bit upright or change his nappy :) its def made a difference since there's been a routine, up til recently I just him sleep whenever but found myself fighting to get him to sleep at 10/11/12. But no problem getting him down now. The next thing is making sure he's not too tired now though- he WILL sleep better I'm determined lol just one night feed is fine!


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