What time to bed?

Aw thanks for that honest reply. He is allowed out the front on his scooter but thats it, and Im forever staying by the window watching him. There are some kids in our road that are up and down on heelys and their bikes and I just dont want that for him yet, he knows he can go out the front and because he knows that, he tends not to bother. going out has never been a burning issue between us and we dont fight or row about it-he just isnt mature enough yet, and Im not brave enough yet either and I know that the days are going to come when he is older and out doing his own thing but for the moment Im happy for him to be a homeboy, which he is :D
David is 10yo and goes up for bath and bed between 8pm-9pm but he is usually still wide awake so he tends to watch a dvd in bed til he drops off to sleep. He's got a bit of a Heinz 57 with autistic and adhd traits etc so bedtimes have always been a struggle though. As long as he gets up ok for school I don't mind so much.

Sarah xxx
My two neices Sophia (8) and Alyssa (6) stay with me and my family a couple of weekends a month.
Sophia normally goes to bed at 8pm and Alyssa between 6:00pm and 6:30pm.
All of mine (aged 6, 8 and nearly 9) got to bed at 7pm - 8pm LATEST! Its something Im strict on! I have always believed a good bedtime routine is important and they have had a routine since birth! lol (well Dillon, (middle one) wont go to sleep until maybe 9.30 but he is in bed! I cant make him sleep but hes not up playing etc!)
My OH has now decided to let them stay up until 9 on Saturdays! :roll: They get over tired and cant sleep! So I think that has to be nipped in the bud! ;)

My children play in the garden! Not on the street! Unless they are in a neighbours garden! I see kids up and out at 10pm etc and tbh I think its not right! Some of them are about 4!!! There was times when my lads asked me why they had to go bed and others were out playing! I just told them that to me bedtime and sleep is very important and thats that!

Oooh I hope i dont sound patronizing on this post or anything!? Its not my intention too :oops: Its just how I feel with my children! All children and parents have different views! Doesnt mean that anyone is wrong etc!!
lea m said:
Oooh I hope i dont sound patronizing on this post or anything!? Its not my intention too :oops: Its just how I feel with my children! All children and parents have different views! Doesnt mean that anyone is wrong etc!!

I dont think you sound patronising at all! In fact i totally agree with you :clap: :clap: :clap:
my daughters 7.she has a bath at 7 and goes to bed around 7:30-8 and shes allowed to play in her room til about 9,she gets up at about 6:30-7am.she is allowed to stay up til 9pm on saturdays and usually falls asleep about 9:30..she is allowed to play in the back garden or front garden,in her friends next door but 1 but thats it.she can ride her bike on the path outside our house if im watching and on the drive.
When I taught year 7 children (11 yrs old), I had a girl in my class who had to be in bed at 8 o clock and I thought that was really early...however...I soon realised that children even that age need to be in bed quite early because they're still young and need that amount of sleep. She was the brightest and most fresh faced girl in the class too :)
Kylie1007 said:
When I taught year 7 children (11 yrs old), I had a girl in my class who had to be in bed at 8 o clock and I thought that was really early...however...I soon realised that children even that age need to be in bed quite early because they're still young and need that amount of sleep. She was the brightest and most fresh faced girl in the class too :)

On 'School Nights' I went to bed at 8 until I was 12; 8.30 until I 14 and then I was in bed by 9 until I was 16.

Even now I go to bed around 10- my parents are the same and I can see how they'd want a bit of time to themselves after I went to bed! :)
Jade&Evie said:
On 'School Nights' I went to bed at 8 until I was 12; 8.30 until I 14 and then I was in bed by 9 until I was 16.

Even now I go to bed around 10- my parents are the same and I can see how they'd want a bit of time to themselves after I went to bed! :)

Me and Bro were something similar to you Jade, and me and OH go to bed at 10 on a ''school night'' as well even now, even if im off work the next day I know im up with little scamp at 7am and I LOVE my sleep - 8 hours is not enough! When O was waking in the night still and I was on days I was known quite often to go at 8.30 :rotfl:

When oran is at school (6 ish) I will start following the times my folks put me to bed which was about 7pm till I was about 8, then 7.30 till I was 10, then 8 till I was 12 etc
Macaulay who is 12 goes to bed at 9.30 on a school night and can watch T.V for about 30-45 mins. He goes to bed at 10 on the weekends/schools hols at turns T.V watches T.V or listens to musi etc till he falls asleep.

Jordan who's 7 goes to bed at 8.30 on a school night, T.V off at about 9.15. On the weekends/school hols bed at 9 at watches T.V or whatever until he falls asleep.
My 11yr old goes to bed at 8:15 on a school night and 8:45 at the weekend. She needs her sleep otherwise she won't get up in the morning.
my 6 year old goes to bed at 7pm and 4 yr old goes at 6.30 :D

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