What time does your toddler go to bed??


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2012
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I can't help feel like Rosie has a really late bedtime! She's 20months.

She wakes anytime between 5:30-7am. She normally has a 2hr nap roughly 11am-1pm, then that's it til bedtime, and that is currently 8/8:30pm.

She just has bags of energy. She's not overtired and whingey, she's just happy playing, running round and singing/dancing to TV etc.

So far I haven't really seen it as an issue just someone made a comment saying it was cruel that I kept her up so late and that she should be in bed for 7pm!

Now I'm curious on your thoughts!! And what is your currently bedtime time?? Xx
My son goes to bed at 7pm and that works well for us and, more importantly, him. Every child is different so I wouldn't worry about her bedtime - if it ain't broke, don't fix it. My nephew of the same age as my son goes to bed at 8pm. My best friends son goes to bed at 6pm, sometimes earlier. As I said, it completely depends on your child.
Same here - my boy also used to go to bed at 8-8.30 pm, and would wake up around 5.30-6 am. He would sleep for good 2 hours during the day though. This changed when he dropped his nap. Now he goes to bed at 7.30 and wakes up at 6.30.

I'm sure you are doing everything right, just kids are different. Also, many kids drop their nap early as it's not easy to nap in the nurseries. It's great that your lo still sleeps during the day!
My son also has a daytime nap - usually 2 hours. Well, his bro-clock is set for a certain time and he obeys it - not sure how long he actually sleeps though :lol:
My boy goes to bed at 7pm, but he doesn't always go to sleep at 7pm!
Josh goes to bed at 7.30pm, rarely seems tired but usually goes to sleep within 10-15mins, he'd stay up later if we let him! He gets up anywhere between 6.30 and 8 and has about 2hrs in the day.

There's no right or wrong time, whatever suits you all. xx
My 2 kids have been raised exactly the same and my daughter who is 5, goes to bed at 7 religiously! On holiday we can keep her up til 9 for the kids disco but if she is not in bed by 7.15 she is cranky as hell the next day! She sleeps 7pm-8/9am (except school days where I have to drag her out of bed!). My boy has a lot more energy, and is often up until 8 and crying he doesn't want to go to bed! He is 3 next month. I don't think it's cruel to keep him up until he is tired, otherwise he screams in bed until he does fall asleep! He sleeps from 8-8.30pm to just after 7am most days. My daughter dropped her day time at around 18 months, but she slept for 14 hours most nights so no real need! DS dropped his day time sleep at around 2 years, so I'm sure if he was tired he would have gone to bed earlier.
My niece is now 8 years old.. but ive known her since she was young, she never needed as much sleep.
She now goes to bed around 10pm! .. and up at 6.30! no sign of tiredness, perfectly happy, if she goes to bed earlier, shes up through the night and bright as day come 3/4am.

I believe some kids just don't need as much sleep, same as adults. each to their own
Like the others have said if you and your LO are both happy with the arrangement don't worry about it.

My LO is two and goes to bed at 7, sometimes he's asleep within seconds, others he's still rolling around at 8, and sometimes he wants his bed earlier if he's not napped in the day. We do make a point of making sure LO is in bed by 7pm because up until last week we were both working and he had to be up early in the morning and I wanted to make sure he had a decent nights sleep. Now I've finished work and he's cutting down his hours at the childminders I don't mind him being up later cos he's not going to be up as early in the morning.
My lo goes to bed between 7 and 8 and is up the following morning any time from 6.30 onwards. He used to sleep until between 7 and 8 but with the lighter mornings he is waking earlier.

If you and lo are happy with that bedtime then leave it as it is hun.

My son goes between 8-8.30 and is 22 months, has a nap between 11.30-1pm and gets up at around 7.45-8am each morning. Your routine sounds very similar to ours. He has bags of energy too
My LO goes upstairs and in the bath for 7ish out of the bath, pjs on for 8pm then into bed with her bottle some nights we have a story others she just goes to sleep she's usually asleep by 8:30.
She can be up anytime from 6:30 to 8:30 it varies and some nights she's up during the night too :(
If your happy with your routine then I'd stick with it, at the end of the day if your LO is happy that's all that matters :)
I wouldn't worry about her bedtime at her age she if she's getting enough sleep. You'll prob find she'll need an earlier bedtime when she's a bit older and drops her daytime nap . My son has to be in bed at 730 no later to be able to get up for school and survive the day! X
James goes to bed at 9pm!!!!

He has been like this since he was about 18m?

We tried everything to change it (early nap, shorter nap, no nap, dinner earlier, baths with relaxing bubble bath, just sticking him in bed) and in the end gave up as that just seemed to be his bedtime.

He slept 9-6.30 when we were both working (i'd have to wake him to get him ready to leave by 8am) but would sleep an extra hour if we weren't out early. He has always had 2 hour nap.

Now he is a bit older he still goes to bed late. If he doesn't nap and has a full on day he can be in bed by 7.30-8pm. Normally its bed about 9pm but we did get very out of synch with new baby.... he was up to 10pm a few nights when baby was very young but we're back to normal now.

He gets 10-11 hours at night and more often than not 2 hours in the day.

my 2.5 yr old goes to bed at 6:15pm
he is in bath by 6pm then story and lights off by 6:15pm
he wakes at about 6:30am
he gets exhausted if he is up late for any reason!
not sure what the 'right time' for a toddler's bed time is
i have had ppl say to me it's too early to put him to bed but i ignore them to be honest
whatever works !
it gives me and husband some time in the evening to have dinner together etc so i like it!
My 2 year old goes to bed at 7 and usually falls.asleep around 7.30ish. She gets up at 6.30 and has 1.5-2hrs nap in the afternoon.
Such a variation but I'm glad their are some mummy's on my end of scale makes me feel a bit better!! I have no intention to change our routine unless lo wants it to change!

Thanks ladies!! Xx
I'm glad someone else has said it too, Blake is in bed by 7pm whether he's tired or not so me and OH can have some quiet time in the evening without him. I can't imagine having him still running around at 9/10pm :shock: when do you get to relax? Or eat chocolate in peace? Lol x
DSs bedtime has always been roughly the same from when he was born. (Now 2y 3m).

He has dinner at 4:30, no later than 4:45 (they give him dinner at nursery around this time). We sit and eat, have a chat, take our time over it. He's done around 5:15-5:30, we take the plates to the kitchen, throw away any rubbish and rinse the plates. Then we gather all the toys scattered around and put them all in a pile in the middle of the room, and play while we put them away (like, "drive" the cars over to the shelf, pick out all the red things to put away first, whatever). By then it's about 5:45-6pm. Strip him off, change his nappy, get him in PJs, brush his teeth, this can take us to about 6:10-6:15. Then he comes up on the couch and lays while we put some Disney songs on. If it's a little earlier, we'll put three or four on, if it's later, just one. Then he has the same last two he watches every night (Hallalujah from Shrek, then Tale as Old as Time from Beauty and the Beast), says goodnight, and toddles into bed. I cover him over and say goodnight, and that's that. 6:30, in bed, done. Other than evenings I could count on one hand, it's never taken more than 5 minutes for him to go quiet, and even that's rare. Usually once his door's shut, I don't hear anything from him until next morning.

When I go to bed, I open his bedroom door, then in the morning whenever he wakes, he pads through into my room and stands smiling at me until I wake up. I usually hear him stirring, so I lay and peek at him for a minute, then "wake up" and he crawls into bed for 10 minutes before we actually get up. This can be anywhere from 6:30-7:30. Once in a blue moon it'll be 8am but that's rare.

He's had the odd nap on the odd day over the last few weeks, but none for a little while now, seems to have given them up for the time being. When he was napping, it was roughly 12:30-2pm.
I didn't find his naps made any difference to his nights.
Essentially, if he napped, it was because he was extra tired and needed to sleep.

I worry sometimes I put him down too early, but, as others have said, every kid is different.

He's had the odd night of being up later (been out an got home later or whatever), but I find if it gets any later than about 7pm he's a nightmare to get to sleep.

If LO wants to go to bed at 8/9/10pm, I don't really see an issue with that? If that's when she's happy to go down, and still get up at a reasonable time and be happy through the day...
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Do what works for you and LO. Xx
I'm glad someone else has said it too, Blake is in bed by 7pm whether he's tired or not so me and OH can have some quiet time in the evening without him. I can't imagine having him still running around at 9/10pm :shock: when do you get to relax? Or eat chocolate in peace? Lol x

This. We need our grown up time!

Gro-Clock has been a saviour for us. Our tinker used to wake us up at 6am, but thanks to the bro-clock it's now 0715. Since he responds so well to it, i'm considering moving it to 0730 soon.

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