what should i do???


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2007
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ive had many prblems with my ex and recently we have been gettin alone rele well untill today i called him 2 let him no how my appt went and he just switched on me started telling me everything is my fault im a stupid d**khead and all sorts and then he turns around an tells me hes not going to call tameron his son untill hes born and had dna test witch is fair enuff me and him wasnt together at the time so hes not being unreasonable... i know its his but i can see were hes comming from... i said ok obviously he can have a test y not. then he comes out with if u dont call me wen ur in labour i want nuttin 2 do with u or tameron an im goin 2 delete ur number... i mean wat was that 4??? i am completely confused... if hes prepared 2 walk away from his son just because i never called while i was in labour can he rele care for him???
i really want to just walk away and say F it!! i want u out of my life... do you think i am being silly if i did??? sorry bout the longness its jst so frustrating
he does sound like a tool...

just noticed ur sig does he kno ur bein induced? doesnt that mean u get a def date anyway why does he need u 2 ring him?
Sounds to me like he's making excuses coz he's scared. if i was you i would give him a chance once your LO is born, you never know he might be a great dad and just be scared at the moment.
if he keeps messing you around just cut him out of your lives, you and your LO deserve better :hug:
If he's going to be a good Daddy he'll do it, don't let him make you an excuse for him not being :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
You do whatever you feel is best, you need to think about you and LO now, he's old enough to look after himself
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Dont let him call the shots hun he has no right at all, if u wanna call him in labour then do so if not then f*ck him... he'll either walk away and prove what an ar*ehole he is or he'll stand up and be a good dad.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: balls to him! Its your labour, and its gonna be stressful enough without him sticking his oar in!!

If you want him then, cool, If not, dont hjave him. If he's got a problem with it, tough poo. Get onto the CSA afterwards and make sure you at least get finacial support from him , even if he's gonna be a pillock and have nothing to do with you. MEN :evil:
i think the whole call me wen ur in labour is sum sort of excuse for him 2 get away with not being there for his son just because i didnt call him... i dont even no y he has said this because at first it was me wanting him there at the time... but after breakin up wit my OH becos of my ex i just cudnt care less if he was there or not... i havnt told him about wat was sed at the apptment i had because i rele dont want to speak 2 him... and i no if i tell him he will find a way 2 make out its a bad thing an its all my fault... he constantly reminds me that i feed the baby food so hes fat because of me... i did text him last nyt tellin him he either carrys on acting like a child or we sort it out like adults so he can still see tameron n i let him no i wont put up with it anymore and i am not afraid 2 walk away from him... i dont need him ibn anyway it jst tameron i feel sorry for.. shame his dad is a absolute child... :x

thnx everyone :hug:
tell him to piss off, you've got a new partner, I'm sure he'll be a great dad to tameron :hug:

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