What should a 2month old do?


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
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I'm a bit confused as usual hehe!

What should Ivy be doing and what should I be doing with her? She giggles and smiles looooads and makes lots of cooing noises and watches everything! She smiles more than she crys. She lifts her head really well but she has done since birth. When should I expect her to start rolling or sitting up on her own that sort of thing and is there anything I should be doing to encourage it?
Cute little girl,
Well It's not common for them to be rolling to soon. I guess the earliest would be 3 months! and sitting up (oh boy) tooo early! u can get her sitting on a bumboo seat but still not before 3 months.
mean while encourage her to lay on her tummy as long as she cal lift her head up. this is good exercise for her. be aware she can roll over when she's ready so be prepared any time! although unlikely at 2 months,
encourage her to explore. hold her hands and let her palms meet together. there is this thing I do to my LO which makes him soo amazed! to this trick and see how she likes it! put ur hand few centimeters away from her face. lets say 20 cm or so . open and close ur hands singing ( Open ..close....open...close) my LO gets too excited and starts kicking then I lower my hand and let him grab it LOOOL.

enjoy ur LO
Rolling and sitting up are a fair while off yet. I tend to let them do things themselves as they are obviously able to then, rather than trying to get them to do things they are not mentally or physically ready for. When she is able to start sitting with support you'll be able to tell. Same with rolling. That way their bodies are doing things they are capable of and as each baby develops differently I am all for baby doing things in their own time. Also they need to be able to support their head properly to be able to sit and so on, and that can take a while longer. At 2 months she'll till wobble a bit.

I'd encourage her with a playmat and hanging toys so she can watch, reach out etc. Also have a bit of tummy time each day, a few minute here and there. Don't overdo it and if she isn't keen don't push it, just a few minutes each day so her neck strength improves.

I'd also use a mobile, pop in bouncer or some such and show picture books, spend lots of face to face time, talk, cuddle.
Ah cool I was worried I might of been too laid back with her lol I do just let her get on with things but I wasn't sure if I NEEDED to teach her or it would just come naturally. God I'm stupid lol! Awwww I love it when she gets all excited and starts kicking and squeeking! Im gonna try that hand thing :D :D Thanks

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