What should I do


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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last night when kayla wokefor her 4 am feed i put her on the chamger as usual , this is her q to scream hysterically untill she is changed and has her bottle in her mouth , well not last nite, i got a little smile and then when i gave her the bottle she was letting it all ron out the sides of her mouth, she had done this the night before and only took half her bottle, anyway decided to test her and gave her her dummy instead and within seconds she was out cold so i put her back to bed and she didnt wake till 620 had a bottle and went back to sleep till 930
now im confused if it is a 1 off or if she's ready to skip the middle of the night feed, she did have a extra bottle during the day because she was screaming so much with her reflux so it could be just that,

so do i leave her tonight or not, she is a very noisy sleeper so can be hard to tell whats sleep noise and whats hungry noise

or should i maybe give a extra bottle during the day again?

she has slept most of today too so really not sure whats goin on with her
I'd try leaving her a few mins longer when she Wakes and pop her dummy in and see how she goes! My two both dropped their night feeds at about her age! Es always been a noisy sleeper - if she falls asleep in the pram people always comment on it :lol: and after a few nights of picking her up every time I thought she was hungry, I eventually realised she wasn't and from there on that was it!xx
thanks hun,

not sure what to do about her feeds,

i gave her her 1030 bottle at 930 cos she had doc app at 1030 n didnntwant her screaming for it in the car or doc offics cos i was on my own , realising now that was a bad idea cos now she's out of sync,

if i give her last bottle at 10 instead of 1130 and she skips the early one will it effect her morning wake time? iykwim?
I only give Hannah bottle at night when she proper awake. I used to get up and feed her as soon as grunting started.... But then once I left her. Realising it wasn't hunger ,,,,she went another hour. Then two. Then three! Now she skips a feed and we just have one around 2am. Feed at 7pm after bath. She goes til 2 and then again til 6/7 xx
oh ok see i was thinking keep the 11 pm n drop the early am one but maybe if shes out of sync and wait till she looks for it she wiill skip the 11pm and just have the 2 am, obviously id rather the other way but dont want to give her bottle when she doesnt want it

gonna try put her to bed tonight too so will see what she does n just follow her lead
Yeah then they will eventually drop the 2am feed and will go from 7pm til morning!!!! Yippee lol:) xx
had a disaster last nite n she had both bottles too so thin it was a one off lol,

what times n oz do you give hun?
How are you getting on now?

Reflux babies shouldn't be laid down flat, even when changing nappies, your LO probs in alot of pain when lying flat at any time, as the acid rises from their stomach.

Hope you see some improvement

yeah i have her mosses raised up and dont have that muc problems with the reflux at night its mainly during the day

we just took her up with us last night lol but today we gave her a bath at 8 ish bottle about 830 n put her down at 9

she lay ther awake for a good while then dosed in and out of sleep and seems to be in a proper sleep now, just went up twice to give her dummy when she seemed to be getting too cranky, still dont have the heart to let her cry properly just yet

She usually has her last bottle at 1130 with 4 ish hour between but seen as we gave her one at 830 technically her next would be 1230

either way should i wake her of just wait and see what she does? have a feeling we have the same prob as before but guess il will just be trial and error
I personally wouldn't wake her, but thats just me!!

My LO's reflux is worse during the day too. I've put it down to the fact that they're moved about alot more during the day. My LO's is even worse first thing in morning after I lift him out cot for first feed. Its coz the acid sits in their stomach when lying down & rises up when they're moved about

Didnt wake her and she slept till 3 am then again till 7 :-)

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