what reminds you of being pregnant?


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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every now and again i'll see/hear something that gives me an instant feeling of being pregnant again.
it can ony be little simple things such as a song or a shop i haven't been in for a while and i'll think, "oooh last time i was here/heard this song i was 30 weeks pregnant" etc etc

heres my list:

james blunt - yes i liked his new album and had it on repeat for the last couple of weeks of pregnancy and it was in the car on the way to the hospital to be induced so everytime i hear it, it reminds me of going there!

maternity clothes - ive kept them just cos it reminds me of my bump lol

curry - i had it 3-4 times a week when pregnant! :shock:

driving past the hospital - scares the daylights out of me :lol: :lol:

the smell of cocoa butter - trying to prevent stretch marks which didnt actually work :roll: but now i have plenty of pink baby ribbons across my belly :D

shameless/skins - i watched the series on dvd and remember always missing a little bit because id end up watching my bump being battered by leah lol

my doppler! - cant bear to get rid :cry:

i'll think of some more

but bring on the next pregnancy :rotfl: hold on, i need a fella first :think: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Walking past the vegatarian resturant in town as its where I went for my last meal so to speak :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: And the milkshakes from the crepes place where DH had gone to buy milkshakes when my waters broke just as he walked back in... I refused to go to the hospital till I'd finished mine, and DH's was still there when I came home 2 days later :rotfl:

And well this time of year is bringing it all back as it was now I found out I was expecting (well next week ;) ) so I feel very nostalgic atm :cry:
Nothing really reminds me of being pregnant :?

But... the other night, I cleaned the pram and carseat to bag up and put in the loft... and couldnt help but have a little tear... It seems like a minute ago since he was so tiny and fitted in them. :cry:

I really am feeling broody! :shock:

Oh Oh..I thought of summit...Prawn bagettes and The Biggest Loser! I was watching the final of The Biggest Loser and had my nashers round a prawn bagette... when I had to leave both and go to the hospital... 3 hours later I had Fynn! :D

And... corned beef and that Hastings Direct advert :rotfl:

Going to the hospital the other week with my sister for her scan, all the beautiful pregnant bumps

Covering at the office I worked at while heavily pregnant

Im sad now, not that much reminds me of being pregnant anymore... Im getting further away from it everyday
The smell of summer.

I lay down on my bed th other afternoon when it was dead hot and the smell and the sound of the day outside reminded me of being heavily pregnant during that hottest July ever on record and taking lots of naps! :lol:
LOADS of smells that made me feel sick.... actually everything made me feel sick :lol:

There's too much stuff that reminds me of being pregnant i'd be here all day!
radox muscle soak.

I had a bah with it in yesterday and I was all emotional because I realised I didn't have a little alien in my belly anymore! I used to love laying in the bath and watching her move across my belly. :cry:

I already miss being pregnant! No more for me for a long while though! :lol:
What reminds me of being pregnant?

THIS FORUM :lol: :lol: :lol:
That Amarillo(sp) song that Peter Kay did in 2005. Every time I hear it I feel sick cos I had terrible sickness when it was out.
Also every time I get out of the bath I remember getting stuck in there :rotfl:
That Fergie song 'Big Girls Don't Cry' - I remember it was playing on the hospital radio when I was being induced. I feel a bit sad every time I hear it. :cry:
Also some fragrance that Oh's mum bought me for Christmas when I was a few weeks pregnant, every time I wear it now it reminds me of going to work with my bump! :D
Curry, I craved it when I was pregnant and hated it before - now I eat it every time we have a takeaway. And Pizza hut, we went there the night before he was born and I felt my first two Braxton Hicks. I think the amount of pizza I ate pushed him out (he was a week overdue)!

Other than that, there's a scented candle in the cupboard under our sink that we got while I was pregnant and everytime I catch a whiff of it it makes me a little bit sad.
theres a chippy in town called chapmans chips and during my final weeks of pregnancy i used to insist on going there about twice a week for tea!

oh and caramal slices!

i loved being pregnant!
Take That - Rule The World - I listened to it a lot when I was pregnant and used to play it to "Flump"

Peppermint Tea - absolutely loved it the whole time I was pregnant!

Bio Oil - Matt used to rub it on my belly every night!
sponges...just looking at one makes me smile about how obsessed I was with eating them.

Seeing other pregnant women...I get so broody for my bump everytime I see another pregnant woman

My Miss Dior perfume... it was my absolute favourite perfume and I wore it all the time but when I got pregnant the smell use to make me vomit...I only wear it occasionally now because everytime I squirt I remember the vomiting :puke: :puke:

there are loads of things...god I hated being pregnant at the time now I wish I was pregnant all over again so I could enjoy every minute of it instead of moaning about how painful my back was or how hard she was kicking my ribs :rotfl:
Hustle - we were watching the Series 3 dvd in bed when I went into labour

Rennies - I was completely addicted for the last 3 months of pregnabcy & easily went through a pack a day :lol:

I was in the shower this morning & glanced in the mirror & got a flashback to having an enormous belly.
Baby's hiccups as she used to have a lot of them in the tummy too!!!!

And seeing rasberry leaf tea in the cupboard.
Kate Nash's 'Foundations' song. Makes me feel sick when I think of it.
Amy MacDonalds 'Run,' cause I was playing that loads the day I went into labour, it makes me cry when I hear it, I can't listen to it anymore because it makes me miss my bump :cry:
We've just been away to Cornwall for the weekend and the last time I was in Truro I was 8 wks and then 22 wks pg (needless to say we didn't do a lot of camping last year as I needed my creature comforts and a proper bed!). I was just going round saying "aaaw the last time we were here...". The last time I was in Truro waterstones I was looking at pregnancy & birth books. This time I was browsing the baby food books!

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