Missing being pregnant!


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2011
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Is anyone missing being pregnant? I had a Horrendous pregnancy and birth yet I'm missing it lol.
Said to dh shall we have one more and he was adamant we aren't lol. I'm sure I'll get over the missing being pregnant part soon lol
Oh god all the time!! I'd do the pregnancy 10 times over I had an amazing time and only felt uncomfortable when I was overdue. I cant wait to do it again but also sad as my OH said that we'll have 2 kids max so it'll be my last time :(

Totally miss being pregnant, I sailed through my pregnancy and only struggled at the end as I worked right up and we had a heat wave in October!
We are going to start ttc'ing end of next year and depending in if it's a boy or a girl we might go for a 3rd
No way, hated it, I could barely move. But I did get to work aaalll the time, which was bliss! I miss that like mad.
I miss it Soooo much, I think would have 20 babies if I could.
But my pregnancy was easy, had no problems whatsoever.
We are gonna start ttc again next year and I really can't wait. I want 3 minimum :shock:
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I miss it a little bit but Joshua makes up for it ten times over. My pg flew by and with no real problems. Labour was short n sweet too. I look forward to the next one. But give it a few years first. An depending on if it's a boy or girl, we may try for a third.xx
I miss it so much! I tried explaing it to OH the other day and he looked at me like I was stupid lol. I just miss the movements and the feeling. I know she is here with me now and that is the best feeling in the world but I still miss my bump! x
I actually cant wait to have more!!! :D However part of me worries how I will cope changing nappies with a heightened sense of smell and weak stomach.

So jealous of anyone pregnant right now. Id love to have a natural birth. I was wondering yesterday if they would induce me earlier so I could try naturally and if it ends in section then its ok as Id more than likely would have to have one later on anyway
My first pregnancy with my son and his labour were so horrendous. All the way through I said never again, when he was born i said never again, that lasted about 2 weeks lol I found out I was preggo again when he was 9 months old and honestly, I'm never doing it again lol I'm so not suited to being pregnant, I carry big which is killing me physically and my hormones are CRAZY!! OH would probably leave me if I said I wanted another after this lol I want LO to stay in as long as possible, but honestly I can't wait for it to be over... again lol
I hated it first time round but loved it this time and really miss my bump! Felt so cheated going early as well, I'm also jealous of pregnant women but remember being jealous of women with new babies while I was pregnant lol! Can't wait to do it again, hopefully I'll be pregnant later this year if nature allows I want a small age gap this time!

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