What questions should I be asking my midwife at 1st appointment??


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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Right, I have my first appointment with the midwife tomorrow and want to make sure I cover everything as I've been waiting forever to see her. Is there anything in particular I should ask or know about? Just want to make sure everything is covered :D
i think she will ask you mostly make a list of any questions you have in terms of concerns such as anything you are worried about eating, medications you can or cant take, which hospital you need to arrange scan through(if not already sorted) take along your wee sample and your medical history too of family only need mother , father and siblings though and mainly pregnancy related things. just generally its a chance to have a chat and raise any concerns you might have or to report and talk about any domestic issues, xx
Oooo, Thanks so much. :)
Seems everything will be fine then.
Ive not been asked to take urine, whats it for?
I didn't have to take urine so don't worry too much. Sometimes they do it while you're there. I was going to ask about birthing options but she went through those with me anyway. I asked how long it might take for me to get a scan date, when I would next need to have blood tests done (I'm terrified of those) and that was about it!
Oh It's an exciting time for you, she will run you through all you need to know, but I would ask about 12 week dating scan, choice of hospital, when your midwife appointments are - she will prob have a list of when these will be as a guideline. She will take booking in bloods to test for iron levels and test for HIV etc as routene. She will start filling in your pregnancy notes and give you a folder to hold them in and any other info you get. You then need to bring these to any appointments you have, don't forget to pickup your Emma's Diary booklet, incase she forgets, it has really good vouchers and freebies tickets inside for you
Good luck today hun hope it all goes well for you xxx

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