First midwife appointment today, not sure what to expect

Sarah W Baby Belly

Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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I have my first midwife appointment at 3pm

I am pretty sure I will have a blood and urine test and blood pressure, but other than that, I'm not sure what will happen in the whole half an hour.

what should I be expecting and is there anything in particular I should be asking?

At my first one I had bloods/blood pressure and she gave me some leaflets on various ailments and info on the Downs double test you can have at 16 weeks. She also booked me in for my booking in appointment. At that appointment she filled out my notes for me to keep with me from now onwards.
She will probably ask you where you want to have your baby, and if you have any special requests eg you want a doctor not a midwife to look after you throughout your pregnancy.
There will be forms to fill out, and she will weigh you.

Think about asking about ante-natal classes in your area, make sure you know what you can and cannot eat, and anything elase that might be worrying you. I wrote a little list of questions, so I didn't forget anything.
hi sarah,

i dont know about anyone else but i was a little disappointed at mine! all she did was dip test some urine take blood pressure and weigh me. the rest was questions,ask where i wanted to give birth, She asked all usual stuff;smoking drinking also if had previous miscarriges but other than that just handed out a pack with loads of leaflets in it. Not sure what everyone else experienced?! she was very nice though but wasnt half as re assuring as this web page with you guys!

good luck! x x :lol:

Thanks guys.

I didn't think they weighed you anymore? :(

oh well.

Do they talk about how to book your first scan?
they did weigh me but i had a student midwife with the midwife so dont know if she was just giving her something to do!!

she just told me to ring her in few weeks to book 12 week scan but as it turned out she ended up ringing me to arrange it.

Dont worry im sure it will be fine. You will always be able to phone her if you forget to ask something or are unsure of anything! Is someone going with you cos that always helps? x

anyhow good luck, keep us posted. im off to work now unfortunately!! :(

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